How many hundreds are there in 600?

How many hundreds are there in 600?

five hundreds

How many hundreds are there in 700?


How many hundreds are there in 400?

this is a 100 and you 400 of ones so think if u have 400 ones and each hundred equals 100 then you have 4 hundreds cause you have ..

How is 26 thousands 13 Hundreds written?

Hundred means 100. 13 hundred means 1300. So, 26 thousands 13 hundreds means 27300.

What is 7 thousands 4 tens divided by 10?

Step-by-step explanation: 7000 + 40 (7 thousands + 4 Tens) Divide that by 10.

In which number does the 5 represent a value 10 times?


What does 10 times the value mean?

So in the number 44,000 the digit in the ten thousands place is 10 times the value of the digit in the thousands place because you have moved one place to the left.

What is 8 thousands divided by 10?

8000 divided by 10 is 800. We can see that the eight digit has moved one place to the right. So it’s now worth eight hundreds. Eight thousands divided by 10 equals eight hundreds.

What place value is 10 times greater than the hundreds place?


Which number has a 3 that is 10 times greater than the 3 in 513 answer?

3 x 10 = 30. Hope this helps!

How many times as great as the value of 3 in 4310 is the value of 3 in 3297?

The 3 is 10 times the value in 3297 as in 4310.

What is the 4 worth in 40?

The 4 is in the tens column and so is worth 4 × 10 = 40.

How many hundreds are there in 385?

Q: What is the place value chart for the number 385?

Hundreds Tens Ones
3 8 5

What is the place value and face value of 5 in 5432?

Answer: Face value of any number is the number itself. So face value of 5 is 5.

Which is the same as dividing a number by 10?

Multiplying or Dividing Decimals by 10 or 100 If you divide a decimal by 10, the decimal point will move one place to the left. If you multiply or divide by any power of 10, it will move a number of spaces equal to the number of 0’s.

How do you solve an absolute value algebraic expression?


  1. Step 1: Isolate the absolute value expression.
  2. Step2: Set the quantity inside the absolute value notation equal to + and – the quantity on the other side of the equation.
  3. Step 3: Solve for the unknown in both equations.
  4. Step 4: Check your answer analytically or graphically.

What is absolute value of decimal?

Remarks. The absolute value of a Decimal is its numeric value without its sign. For example, the absolute value of both 1.2 and -1.2 is 1.2.

How do you graph absolute value?

To graph the absolute value, you need to know where the vertex is, so the numbers will be going down, then turn and start going back up, or going up and then turn and start going down, the middle point will be the vertex and should be the center point of the table.