How should the sentence above be rewritten to correct the subject-verb agreement error bacon and eggs?

How should the sentence above be rewritten to correct the subject-verb agreement error bacon and eggs?

The correct option about how this sentence should be rewritten to correct the subject-verb agreement error is Bacon and eggs is an all-time American breakfast favorite that satisfies the hungriest krumper. The verb refers to breakfast, that is why it should be singular, not plural.

How do you fix subject-verb agreement errors?

Use the following guidelines to avoid agreement errors in your writing.

  1. Make sure you’re looking at the correct subject.
  2. When or, nor, either/or, or neither/nor connects two subjects, make the verb agree with the closer subject.
  3. Be careful with inverted sentences.
  4. Watch out for subject complements3.
  5. G.

Which sentence contains a subject-verb agreement error?

Correct Answer:Correct After “friends” Question 2 0 out of 1 points Which sentence contains a subject-verb agreement error? Selected Answer:Incorrect The cars race each other to the finish line.

Which sentence has a shift in verb tense?

One is ‘jumps’ and the other is ‘shouted’. Both of the verbs are of different tense forms. ‘jumps’ is the Simple present tense, while ‘shouted’ is simple past tense. Hence, this sentence is an example of an inappropriate shift in verb tense.

Can you mix past and present tense in a sentence?

It’s fine to use the present and the past here. After all, that’s what happens: as you say, you paid the deposit in the past and pay the rent in the present. Tenses should agree in the same clause, but it’s very common to have multiple tenses in the same sentence.

How do you fix a faulty tense sequence?

He is arrested as he is robbing a bank. He is arrested as he had robbed a bank. To maintain the sequence of tense, we should maintain the following rules: Rule: If the principal clause is in present tense then the subordinate clause can be in present continuous, present perfect, future or past tense.

What is rule of tense?

Tense is the form taken by a verb to indicate time and continuance or completeness of action. Simple Tense:It is used for habitual or routine actions in the Present Tense, action which is over in the Past Tense & action to happen in the Future Tense.

Which tense is used with was?

Verb Forms

Form Verb
Infinitive be
Past tense was (for I / he / she / it); were (for we / you / they)
Past participle be, been
Present participle being

Is Am are exercise for class 3?


  • My brother is a doctor.
  • You are my best friend.
  • She is a pretty girl.
  • I am your neighbour.
  • They are our guests. We should treat them well.
  • The boys are learning their lessons.
  • The girls are singing.
  • The birds are flying in the sky.

Is Am are use for class 2?

They are called ‘be’ verbs or ‘being’ verbs. ‘Am’ is used with ‘I’ and ‘is’ used with singular nouns and pronouns. ‘Are’ is used with plurals nouns and pronouns. Note: ‘Are’ is used with ‘you’ in both singular and plural form.

Which best describes a rule for subject-verb agreement?

Answer. What best describes a rule for subject-verb agreement is singular subjects have singular verbs. In the subject-verb agreement, the subject and the verb should agree with each other in number that is singular or plural. (Subject, a child is singular hence, verb form will be singular.)…

What is the importance of subject verb agreement in communication?

Therefore, it is important to ensure that subjects and verbs always agree with each other. The relationship between subjects and verbs lie at the heart of grammatically correct English writing. Subject-verb agreement unifies a sentence and makes it easier to understand.

What can you do to avoid allowing an interrupting phrase to cause disagreement with the subject and verb?

1. What can you do to avoid allowing an interrupting phrase to cause disagreement with the subject and verb?

  1. use the interrupting phrase as the subject.
  2. use the interrupting phrase as the verb.
  3. read the sentence without the interrupting phrase to find agreement.
  4. delete the interrupting phrases completely.

What are the rules in using the be verbs in a sentence?

When a sentence in either the Present Simple or Past Simple tenses has to be as a main verb, then no auxiliary verb is needed for forming questions. The be verb form is inverted before the subject. In other words, the verbs to be and to do do not appear in one verb phrase together.

Why must a sentence be complete?

A complete sentence must have, at minimum, three things: a subject, verb, and an object. The subject is typically a noun or a pronoun. And, if there’s a subject, there’s bound to be a verb because all verbs need a subject. Beyond these basic elements, a complete sentence must also express a complete thought.