Is a narrator of the story day of butterfly?

Is a narrator of the story day of butterfly?

Taken from her Dance of the Happy Shades collection the story is narrated in the first person by a female narrator called Helen who is looking back at a memory from her days as a sixth-grader.

What does the butterfly symbolize in Day of the butterfly?

Not only does this butterfly represent friendship; it also relates to the title of the story “Day of the Butterfly.” The butterfly plays a big role, symbolizing freedom, beauty and innocence.

What is the day of the butterfly about?

Alice Munro’s ‘Day of the Butterfly’ is a short story that appears in Dance of the Happy Shades and Other Stories. This story is about school children who bully a child who is later diagnosed with leukemia. The story examines isolation, companionship, and bullying.

Why does Helen insist that Myra accept the butterfly pin?

Helen insists that Myra accept the butterfly pin because she feels a sense of sorrow for Myra due to the fact that Myra does not have friends and because they always talk with each other, “Myra and Jimmy spent every recess standing in the little black porch between the two sides” (Pg. 144).

Who wrote day of the butterfly?


Which of the following quotes from Day of the butterfly best communicates the author’s message about friendship?

Which of the following quotes from the story best communicates the author’s message about friendship? “I realized the pledge as our fingers touched; I was panicky, but allright.” Argyles are patterned socks named after a Scottish clan. The furniture in the living room is very expensive.

Which figure of speech does Paz use most frequently?


What term is defined as the central idea or message that appears multiple times throughout a story?

Theme. The central message of a work of literature, often expressed as a general statement about life. Some themes are universal, meaning that they are widely held ideas about life. These themes are often recurring, Meaning that they are frequently used. A literary work may have more than one theme.