Is aftermath a noun?

Is aftermath a noun?

noun. something that results or follows from an event, especially one of a disastrous or unfortunate nature; consequence: the aftermath of war; the aftermath of the flood. a new growth of grass following one or more mowings, which may be grazed, mowed, or plowed under.

Is aftermath one word or two?

Aftermath dates to the late 1400s and was originally an agricultural term. Its two parts are transparent—but only if you’re familiar with an ancient word math that is now used only in British dialectal English and that means “a mowing of a grass or hay crop” and also refers to the crop that is gathered.

How do you use the word aftermath?

Aftermath sentence example

  1. If she concentrated on the here-and-now and dealt with the aftermath later, she might survive this experience.
  2. Even the police, who see the aftermath of terrible, gut-wrenching crimes, aren’t forced to watch them actually happening.

What part of speech is aftermath?


part of speech: noun
definition 2: the period following a disastrous event. In the aftermath of the hurricane, much rebuilding was needed. synonyms: wake similar words: fallout
related words: catastrophe, conclusion, effect, outcome
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Why is it called Aftermath?

The word aftermath is from the Old English ‘æfter’ meaning ‘behind in place, later in time’ and ‘mæð’ from the Proto-Indo-European root ‘me-‘, which means ‘to cut down grass’.

What is a positive word for aftermath?

“Afterglow” could work herein as well. It has only a positive connotation: “Everybody is still hyped up in its afterglow.”

Is aftermath positive or negative?

Has a strongly negative connotation in most contexts, implying a preceding catastrophe. In contrast to most projections of the aftermath of nuclear war, in this there is no rioting or looting. The definition of an aftermath is the consequence of a situation, often one that is destructive.

What is after effect mean?

noun. a delayed effect; an effect that follows at some interval after the stimulus that produces it. a result appearing after the first effect due to an agent, usually a drug, has gone.

What word is opposite of aftermath?

Antonyms for aftermath origin, cause, source, start.

Is Beforemath a word?

What precedes or produces a particular outcome; events that have yet to occur, or are in the process of occurring.

What is another word for Consequently?

What is another word for consequently?

ergo hence
accordingly necessarily
so in consequence
then thusly
subsequently thereby

What is a ramification?

1a : branch, offshoot. b : a branched structure. 2a : the act or process of branching. b : arrangement of branches (as on a plant)

Can ramification be positive?

V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary It is generally a consequence of an action, but it is usually an unintended and negative one. Thus, the word ramification is more specific than consequence. Ramification also refers to “branching out” or the act of dividing into branches, as on a tree.

Are ramifications bad?

Ramification also refers to something branching out, like limbs on a tree — which is what bad decisions tend to do. Ramification is like consequence, but usually unintended and bad.

What is a bad consequence?

Negative consequences are also called discipline. Negative consequences include things like: ignoring. distraction (i.e. getting your child to focus on something else) natural consequences (e.g. your child is playing roughly with a toy and the toy breaks)

What are some consequences for bad behavior?

Logical consequences: Logical consequences are directly related to the misbehavior. For example, if your kids make a poor choice with their bicycle, take away their bike. Ignoring: If your child exhibits attention-seeking behavior, like a tantrum, withdrawing attention may be the best negative consequence.

What are the four consequences of behavior?

There are four quadrants of consequences. They are Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Positive Punishment and Negative Punishment.

What are the three consequences?

In this article, we’ll outline how to facilitate the three types of consequences: natural, logical, and problem-solving.

What are the two types of consequences?

There are two types of consequences: positive (sometimes called pleasant) and negative (sometimes called aversive).

What are the consequences of our actions?

Our actions and their consequences shape our future. Every action causes a consequence either long-term or short-term. Some of them are reversible, and some are irreversible. Some are insignificant, having no important impact in our lives, but some consequences can change our lives for the better or for worst.

How do you accept the consequences of your actions?

Dealing with the consequences of your actions means that first you: Accept responsibility – by this you agree that you have erred and that you are wrong. You accept the blame and accept the fact that there are consequences for your actions which you have to face. Consequences are not from good deeds but bad deeds.

What is a consequence?

noun. the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier: The accident was the consequence of reckless driving. an act or instance of following something as an effect, result, or outcome.

How choices affect your future?

Our future is determined by the choices we make, don’t make, or leave for others to make for us. If we don’t like the present we are living, we can create a new one – the power is ours. Future success is not the result of just one monumental decision. It is the result of a continuous series of choices every day.

Why is life all about choices?

“It is so important to understand that we are all making choices all the time, even when we chose not to choose we have still made a choice. It is our choices that determine our experiences. Unless we are willing to take full responsibility for ourselves and the choices we make, we have no control over our lives.

How bad decisions affect your life?

Big bad decisions are not‑that‑frequent, but very important events that you encounter in your life and have a big influence on your future, where you don’t decide well. You make a bad choice and it has huge negative consequences. Making daily poor decisions slowly leads to a poor quality of life.

Why you should never regret anything?

For every “failed” decision, you will make a “successful” decision. Even if you don’t hit the mark every time, by continuing to make decisions you are realizing several of your life’s purposes: to experience, to learn and to feel. Although not all decisions work out, when they do, there is nothing more life-affirming.

What are the good effects of decision making?

Positive decision makes attempts to seek out all alternative outcomes and sets about achieving the best of those outcomes. Negative decision making, being based on the absence of negative consequences, has little opportunity for planning.

How do you accept bad decisions?

When You’re the Victim of a Bad Decision

  1. Think about yourself. If the offending party has caused a lot of damage, it is vital to think about yourself for a moment.
  2. Think about others. If the poor decision is affecting multiple people, it’s time for damage control.
  3. Get some help.
  4. Give yourself time.