Is dormant and dominant synonyms or antonyms?

Is dormant and dominant synonyms or antonyms?

Dormant and Dominant: Neither synonyms nor antonyms. There are no new answers.

Is extrovert and self conscious synonyms or antonyms?

Neither. Extrovert and Self-conscious are antonyms.

Are merciful and relentless synonyms or antonyms?

Answer Expert Verified The words merciful and relentless are neither synonyms nor antonyms. They are not in any way related when their meanings are concerned. Merciful refers to the capability of showing mercy to others while relentless refers to being incessant or insistent.

Is freedom and regulation synonyms or antonyms?

Neither. Freedom and Regulation are antonyms. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

What is another name for regulation?

Some common synonyms of regulation are canon, law, ordinance, precept, rule, and statute. While all these words mean “a principle governing action or procedure,” regulation implies prescription by authority in order to control an organization or system.

What is a antonym for regulation?

the act of bringing to uniformity; making regular. Antonyms: nonstandard. Synonyms: regulating, regularization, ordinance, rule, regularisation.

What’s another word for self regulation?

In this page you can discover 7 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for self-regulating, like: self-adjusting, self-acting, self-activating, mechanical, automatic, self-moving and motorized.

What does it mean to regulate something?

: to set or adjust the amount, degree, or rate of (something) : to bring (something) under the control of authority. : to make rules or laws that control (something)

What’s another word for rules and regulations?

What is another word for rules and regulations?

law constitution
canon rules
regulations bill
statute guidelines
decree regulation

What do you call a person that follows the rules?

If you always do what you’re told, you can be described as obedient. Use obedient to describe someone who knows the rules, toes the line, and follows instructions. The word can refer to people (an obedient student), a group (obedient citizens), or even animals (an obedient dog).

What’s the opposite of rules?

Antonyms of RULE plead, misguide, obey, follow, submission, lawlessness, inferiority, surrender, subordination, weakness, unsettle, waver, comply, release, ignore, mismanage, miss, bad manners, yield, neglect, submit, misunderstand, start, mislead, disorganization, serve, begin, lose, yielding.

What is the similar meaning of rule?

regulation, ruling, directive, order, court order, act, law, by-law, statute, edict, canon, ordinance, pronouncement, mandate, command, dictate, dictum, decree, fiat, proclamation, injunction, commandment, prescription, stipulation, requirement, precept, guideline, direction.

Which word means to follow a custom rule or law?

comply. verb. to obey a rule or law, or to do what someone asks you to do.

What’s another word for precept?

Some common synonyms of precept are canon, law, ordinance, regulation, rule, and statute.

What are synonyms for principle?

other words for principle

  • basis.
  • doctrine.
  • ethic.
  • foundation.
  • precept.
  • proposition.
  • rule.
  • truth.

What is the antonym for principle?

What is the opposite of principle?

dishonesty chicanery
deceit deceitfulness
deception deceptiveness
immorality insidiousness
malfeasance treachery

What is another word for guiding principles?

What is another word for guiding principle?

benchmark yardstick
principle signal
direction precedent
inspiration lodestar
formula scale

What is the synonym of pillar?

In this page you can discover 34 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for pillar, like: shaft, post, support, leader, column, dependence, pedestal, slab, mast, mainstay and guider.

What is a pillar of strength?

: someone or something that gives support or help during difficult times My husband was my/a pillar of strength during my mother’s illness.

What does Pillar mean?

1a : a firm upright support for a superstructure : post entry 1. b : a usually ornamental column or shaft especially : one standing alone for a monument. 2a : a supporting, integral, or upstanding member or part a pillar of society. b : a fundamental precept the five pillars of Islam.

What is a support pillar?

pillar Add to list Share. If someone describes you as a pillar of strength, he’s saying you’re reliable and supportive, much like a pillar or column of a building that helps hold the structure up. Someone indispensable to your company might be considered a pillar to the organization.

What is the opposite of pillar?

What is the opposite of pillar?

weaken diminish
tumble compromise
crumble damage
impair crumple

What is the purpose of a pillar?

an upright shaft or structure, of stone, brick, or other material, relatively slender in proportion to its height, and of any shape in section, used as a building support, or standing alone, as for a monument: Gothic pillars; a pillar to commemorate Columbus.

Are columns and pillars the same thing?

A pillar is a vertical support member and may be constructed as a single piece of timber, concrete or steel, or built up out of bricks, blocks and so on. However, whereas a pillar does not necessarily have a load-bearing function, a column is a vertical structural member that is intended to transfer a compressive load.

What are the 3 types of columns?

(The) three types of columns are Doric, (Ionic), and Corinthian. The Doric column is (the) oldest and plainest.

How many floors can be built without pillars?

3 floors

What’s another word for miscellaneous?

Miscellaneous Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for miscellaneous?

mixed varied
diverse diversified
heterogeneous various
jumbled sundry
mingled multifarious

What is the antonyms of pretty?

antonyms of pretty

  • disagreeable.
  • homely.
  • offensive.
  • repulsive.
  • ugly.
  • unattractive.
  • disgusting.

What does tidy mean in slang?

Cool, good

What do you call a person who cleans?

A janitor (American English, Scottish English), custodian, porter, cleaner or caretaker is a person who cleans and maintains buildings such as hospitals, schools, and residential accommodation. Janitors’ primary responsibility is as a cleaner.

What does tidied up mean?

to make a place neat and orderly

Is tidied up a word?

To make things clean or orderly: tidied up after dinner. A decorative protective covering for the arms or headrest of a chair. [Middle English tidi, in season, healthy, from tide, time; see tide1.] ti′di·ly adv.

What does feel blue mean?

Be depressed or sad, as in I was really feeling blue after she told me she was leaving. The use of blue to mean “sad” dates from the late 1300s. See also blue funk, def.

Is tidier a real word?

Yes, tidier is in the scrabble dictionary.

What shaggy means?

1a : covered with or consisting of long, coarse, or matted hair. b : covered with or consisting of thick, tangled, or unkempt vegetation. c : having a rough nap, texture, or surface. d : having hairlike processes.

What is a tidier?

noun One who tidies . adjective comparative form of tidy : more tidy.

How do you pronounce tidy?

Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of ‘tidy’:

  1. Break ‘tidy’ down into sounds: [TY] + [DEE] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
  2. Record yourself saying ‘tidy’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.

What is the opposite of tidy?

tidy. Antonyms: disorderly, untidy, slovenly. Synonyms: neat, orderly, spruce, clean, cleanly, tight.

Are you a tidy person?

1. You Have a Cleaning Routine. If you clean house on a regular schedule, you’re a tidy person. Tidy people make cleaning part of their everyday life, rather than wait until their homes are out of control.

What does tidying mean?

clean and orderly

What does mean dirty?

dirty, filthy, foul, nasty, squalid mean conspicuously unclean or impure. dirty emphasizes the presence of dirt more than an emotional reaction to it.

Is tidy a bad word?

Use the adjective tidy for something that is neat and clean. A less informal use is as an adjective, meaning “large.” If you can put the word tidy before your profit or the sum in your bank account, it’s a good thing.

Is tidy a word?

adjective, ti·di·er, ti·di·est. neat, orderly, or trim, as in appearance or dress: a tidy room; a tidy person. clearly organized and systematic: a tidy mind; a tidy way of working.

Is tidy a Scrabble word?

Scrabble Word TIDY fairly large. neat and orderly. to make neat and orderly [v TIDIED, TIDYING, TIDIES] / neat and orderly [adj TIDIER, TIDIEST]

Are you a tidy person ielts?

Yes, I consider myself to be pretty tidy. While my house isn’t always spotless, it’s usually in good order. I live in an apartment that’s quite sparsely furnished so it’s easy to keep it neat. Also, I have a habit of cleaning up as I go so things never get too messy.

How being tidy helps a person?

Believe it or not, being tidy can actually improve your health. Clutter is tiring, and makes us more likely to reach for comfort foods rather than healthy, nutritious options. But having a clean space can reduce the amount of stress your brain is under, leading to improved eating habits.

Is it important to be tidy?

A clean and tidy home means that there is no room for germs and bacteria, mold, dust, fungi, etc., which will allow us to be in good health and wellbeing at home, will give us positive energy and a healthy mind and body.

Do you give expensive gifts ielts?

Yes, I love giving expensive gifts to the ones I love. I like buying pricey gifts for my family and close friends.

Do you give expensive gifts?

Research has actually shown that spending more does not always guarantee a well-received gift. One study found that the more expensive a gift, the more givers expected recipients to appreciate it. “It seems pretty intuitive that if you spend more, you’re going to get a better gift.