Is fatality a word?

Is fatality a word?

English Language Learners Definition of fatality : a death that results from a disaster, accident, etc.

What is the difference between death and fatality?

is that death is the cessation of life and all associated processes; the end of an organism’s existence as an entity independent from its environment and its return to an inert, nonliving state while fatality is the state of being fatal, or proceeding from destiny; invincible necessity, superior to, and independent of.

What’s the meaning of fatalities?

noun, plural fa·tal·i·ties. a disaster resulting in death. a death resulting from such an occurrence: a rise in highway fatalities. the quality of causing death or disaster; a fatal influence; deadliness.

What are synonyms for fatality?

In this page you can discover 32 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for fatality, like: destructiveness, deadliness, virulence, lethality, casualty, poisonousness, fatalness, inevitability, necrosis, dying and accident.

What is the opposite word of fatality?

What is the opposite of fatality?

clemency leniency
mercy quarter

What is the opposite of fatality?

Antonyms of FATALITY dubiousness, option, harmer, fortuity, choice, doubtfulness, murderer, uncertainty, freedom, possibility, winner, Injurer, gainer, victor, birth, contingency, doubt.

What does fortuity mean?

1 : the quality or state of being fortuitous. 2 : a chance event or occurrence.

What catastrophe means?

1 : a momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin Deforestation and erosion can lead to an ecological catastrophe. 2 : utter failure : fiasco the party was a catastrophe. 3a : a violent and sudden change in a feature of the earth.

What is another word for flawlessly?

In this page you can discover 44 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for flawless, like: faultless, unblemished, entire, perfect, , immaculate, imperfect, perfection, undamaged, unexceptionable and irreproachable.

What is the antonym of the word flawless?

flawless(adjective) Antonyms: flawed. Synonyms: impeccable, perfect, faultless.

What word means flawless?

flawless. impeccable. out-and-out. outright. perfect.

What’s a fancy word for perfect?

What is another word for perfect?

flawless excellent
impeccable pristine
defectless faultless
intact irreproachable
mint optimal

What is a word for beyond perfect?

pluperfect Add to list Share. In grammar, pluperfect is the verb tense that you use to talk about something that was finished or completed in the past. This is also sometimes called the past perfect.

How do you say someone is perfect?


  1. absolute,
  2. faultless,
  3. flawless,
  4. ideal,
  5. immaculate,
  6. impeccable,
  7. indefectible,
  8. irreproachable,

How do you describe perfect?

The adjective perfect emphasizes completeness, and also high quality and absence of defects or blemishes: a perfect diamond. Complete implies that a certain unit has all its parts or is fully developed or perfected, and may apply to a process or purpose carried to fulfillment: a complete explanation.

How do you know you love someone?

In other words, your happiness is their happiness, and your pain is their pain. “Someone in love will care about your feelings and your well-being,” Dr. Flores said. “If he or she is able to show empathy or is upset when you are, not only do they have your back, but they also probably have strong feelings for you.”

What is the opposite word of perfect?

Imperfect is the opposite of perfect. Imperfect comes from the Latin word imperfectus, meaning “incomplete.” If you have an imperfect knowledge of French, you might be able to order a coffee in Paris but not chat with the waiter.

What are the signs when a man is in love?

These Are the Science-Backed Signs a Man is Falling in Love

  • He’s been asking about the future.
  • He gazes into your eyes.
  • He’s always putting you first.
  • When you laugh, he laughs.
  • He’s been revealing intimate details about himself.
  • You can feel his heartbeat match yours.
  • He’s been more optimistic lately.

What is the sign of fake love?

Finally, the most glaring sign of fake love you need to look out for is how quickly your partner is to call it quits with you. Conflict is a normal part of any relationship, but if every little disagreement has your partner saying they “can’t do this anymore”, then they don’t really love you.

How a man falls in love?

Men Fall In Love With A Woman That He Knows He Makes Happy In this case, happiness means something more. A man falls by spending time with a woman and feeling a connection with the person that makes him happy to just be around her. Connections are what make many men fall in love.

What makes a man fall deeply in love with a woman?

Men who fall in love with woman fall in love with both the passion and purpose that she feels for life, and the passion and purpose that he feels in life when he is with her. When a man falls in love with a woman, he becomes filled with passion, and the more passion he feels, the more love that he feels.

Why do guys like kissing with tongue?

It’s also been shown that men kiss to introduce sex hormones and proteins that make their female partner more sexually receptive. Open mouth and tongue kissing are especially effective in upping the level of sexual arousal, because they increase the amount of saliva produced and exchanged.