Is feel a special verb?

Is feel a special verb?

Note that to feel is an irregular verb: I feel sick today / I felt sick yesterday / I have felt sick all day.

Is special a verb or noun?

Adjective. special, especial, specific, particular, individual mean of or relating to one thing or class.

Is the word special a verb?

To make distinct or separate, particularly: (obsolete, intransitive) To go into specific details. (rare, transitive) To specify: to mention specifically.

What are feeling verbs?

Feeling verbs can be divided into two groups, one dealing with liking and hating and the other dealing with wanting and needing. Here is a small sample of feeling verbs (liking, hating): admire. detest.

Can a verb be a feeling?

The state of feeling a certain way is an adjective. So in “I feel nauseous” or “The happy man left the room”, “nauseous” and “happy” are adjectives. “Feel” is a verb. It’s present participle is “feeling”, as @Damkerng T.

What is a feeling sentence?

“I had a strong feeling it wasn’t going to end well.” (strong, overwhelming, nagging, definite) “I had a strange feeling that someone was watching.” (strange, uncomfortable, uneasy) “Winning was such a good feeling.”

What is a sentence for mixed feelings?

Definition of mixed feelings. : conflicting feelings or emotions I’m having mixed feelings about the planned trip.

What does it mean to have mixed feelings for someone?

What does it mean to have mixed feelings? When you have mixed feelings for someone, it means that you’re unsure if you are romantically attracted to them or not. When you have mixed emotions toward someone, it’s because you’re feeling both positive and negative feelings about them.

What is a mixed feeling called?

Having mixed feelings or emotions. equivocal. undecided. ambivalent. indecisive.

What’s another word for mixed feelings?

other words for with mixed feelings

  • ambiguous.
  • ambivalent.
  • dubious.
  • evasive.
  • muddled.
  • puzzling.
  • unclear.
  • vague.

What is the word when you are happy and sad?

Saudade describes both happy and sad at the same time, which is most closely translated to the English saying ‘bitter sweet’.

What is another word for strong feelings?

Feeling or expressing strong emotions – thesaurus

  • emotional. adjective. affected by and expressing strong emotion, especially sadness or anger.
  • passionate. adjective.
  • ardent. adjective.
  • impassioned. adjective.
  • tempestuous. adjective.
  • intense. adjective.
  • soulful. adjective.
  • histrionic. adjective.

How do you describe a conflicted person?

The definition of conflicted is being in a state of emotional confusion. When two of your friends are fighting and you see both sides of the argument and aren’t sure who is right or what the best thing is for you to do, this is an example of when you feel conflicted. Made uneasy by conflicting feelings.

Is Conflicted a mood?

adjective. full of conflicting emotions or impulses: a situation that makes one feel very conflicted.

What is a word for causing trouble?

verbdisturb the status quo. causing trouble. challenging the status quo. complaining. disagreeing.

What is an annoying person called?

A thing or person that annoys. 9. 4. bothersome. The definition of bothersome is someone or something that is annoying or troublesome.

What do you call an annoying guy?

If they are annoying in a general way, they may be a “loudmouth” (self-evident), a “nerd” (annoying in that slow-to-develop socially way), or even a “busybody” (in this case, more in the personally nosy way than in the gossipy way). In general, all of these people are “nuisances”.

What’s a nice word for annoying?

SYNONYMS FOR bothersome annoying, irritating, irksome, vexing, vexatious, galling.

What is a nice way to say annoying?

What is another word for annoying?

irritating bothersome
infuriating nettlesome
nettling pestilential
pesty plaguey
rankling rebarbative

How do you describe annoying?

When something is annoying, it is irritating, bothersome, vexing, exasperating, or any of the many other English words describing things that cause annoyance.

Do you say angry with you or angry at you?

Angry on you or angry at you both are incorrect. The correct one is I am angry with you. But if you wanna say at, then you can use this sentence- I am mad at you!

Do we say angry at you or angry with you?

The key thing to remember is that “angry with” generally refers to people. You might hear, “I am so angry with my brother for embarrassing me in front of my friends.” The phrase “angry at” will also refer to people.

What is a stronger word for angry?

1 irate, incensed, enraged, infuriated, furious, mad; provoked, irritated.

What is a slang word for angry?

fit to be tied nope mangry hexstatik damn abs mad tight guh rattled mad-fat dag gummit fly off the handle raging mudachuka nimph snakey agitated angrify angus >:e sour swear word -___- nastygram sylori vexin snuffy ungry fangry moab malacopa resent avage thick abms vank spike lee swear word heated hamish taco mafia …

What does Anrey mean?

1a : having an irritable disposition : cantankerous an ornery old man Telling her that would have been an invitation to getting my head chopped off, because she was a mean, ornery number until the day she died.—