Is full time ever one word?

Is full time ever one word?

Is part time or full time as used in both examples one word, two words or does it need to be hyphenated? When part-time or full-time precede a word, they are always hyphenated, as in part-time faculty members and full-time students.

Does full time have a hyphen AP style?

full-time, full time Hyphenate when used as a compound adjective: She has a full-time job. Otherwise: He works full time.

Do you hyphenate 12 month?

Hyphenate Numerals with Units of Time before Nouns Like spelled-out numbers, hyphenate numerals with units of time that appear directly before the nouns they are describing. A 45-day drought damaged the soybean crops. The student bought a new 12-month desk calendar.

Do you hyphenate month old?

A handy rule, whether writing about years, months, or any other period of time, is to use hyphens unless the period of time (years, months, weeks, days) is written in plural form: With hyphens: We have a two-year-old child.

Do you hyphenate 100 percent?

You don’t need to use hyphens in percentages unless they form part of a longer description (compound adjective) before the noun.

Do you hyphenate dollar amounts?

For amounts less than $1, use numerals and the word cents. Use the $ sign and decimals for larger amounts. Don’t use a hyphen between the figure and the word, unless in an adjectival phrase as shown below. For whole dollar amounts (without cents), don’t use decimals or zeroes.

Do you hyphenate One fifth?

Hyphenation of one-fifth Unfortunately it cannot be hyphenated because it only contains one syllable.

When should you hyphenate two words?

Generally, you need the hyphen only if the two words are functioning together as an adjective before the noun they’re describing. If the noun comes first, leave the hyphen out.

Is miles an hour hyphenated?

“They also believe she was driving more than three times the 30 miles per hour speed limit.” Because the phrase “30 miles per hour” is functioning to specify the speed limit, it should be hyphenated: 30-miles-per-hour. An alternative would be to use the abbreviation 30 mph without hyphens.

Is it an hour or per hour?

In this sentence, the preposition in needs to be followed by a noun phrase; an hour works as a noun phrase, but per hour is a preposition phrase, so it’s ungrammatical. In other words, you can distinguish the two syntactically.

Does third party have a hyphen?

When third party is used as a modifier, it should be hyphenated. o The bill for the third-party vendor was past due. It would NOT be hyphenated when not used as a modifier. o The bill was sent to the third party for payment directly to the vendor.

Do you hyphenate 30 Day?

With compound adjectives denoting periods of time or amounts, drop the plurals {nine-month pregnancy; 24-hour-a-day service; two-liter bottle}. Note that you would write 30-day notice or 30 days’ notice but not 30-days notice. There is an exception of sorts for fractions: two-thirds majority. Suspensive hyphens.

Do you hyphenate day to day?

Is day-to-day always hyphenated? No. It only requires hyphens when used as a compound adjective. ‘I live from day to day.

Do you hyphenate one year?

“Year old” should be hyphenated when it modifies a noun that follows it. That is, when the phrase is describing the age of a person, place, or thing, and it precedes that noun in a sentence, then it should be written as year-old.

Is year long hyphenated?

Senior Member. one year-long stay means one stay which lasted a year. one-year-long stay refers to a group of stays which last one year. one year long stay is incorrect because before nouns you have to use hyphens.

Should I spell out ages?

Follow these rules for writing ages: Write out ages one to nine. Use numerals for ages 10 and older. Ages noted in years and months should be written in numerals.

Should you spell out numbers on a resume?

Contrary to the rules of grammar, EXCEPT for academic resumes, it is best to use numerals in a resume rather than spell out the number, even when that number is 10 or under. It’s best to spell out any number under 10 for these types of resumes.

Do you use commas when writing numbers in words?

To write a number in words, write the number in each period followed by the name of the period without the ‘s’ at the end. Start with the digit at the left, which has the largest place value. The commas separate the periods, so wherever there is a comma in the number, write a comma between the words.