Is hardworking one word or two?

Is hardworking one word or two?

The Tory conference organisers wrote hardworking as one word. The Oxford English Dictionary points out that hard, before a participial adjective, is ‘always hyphenated’ when the compound is used attributively, as in ‘hard-boiled egg’. Hard is not here an adjective, but an adverb, though it does not end in -ly.

Is it hardworking or hard working?

Senior Member. Not really the consensus in that thread was that “hard-working” is hyphenated in both AE and BE. While that’s true in BE, Merriam-Webster likes hardworking, as does Webster’s New World College Dictionary, and the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary labels it as US.

Do you hyphenate hard work?

Is hard-working hyphenated – Answers. Yes, it is a compound adjective and should be hyphenated. In that context, ‘hard’ is an adverb modifying ‘working’.

Is Hardworking a word?

adjective. industrious; zealous: a hardworking family man.

Who is a hard working person?

The definition of hard working is something or someone that is diligent in laboring and that puts effort into doing and completing tasks. An example of a hard working person is one who works 12 hour days.

How do you say someone is hard working?


  1. active.
  2. busy.
  3. determined.
  4. diligent.
  5. hard-working.
  6. industrious.
  7. laborious.
  8. persevering.

How can you tell a hard worker?

Hard-Working Characteristics

  1. Punctuality and dependability.
  2. Initiative and flexibility.
  3. Motivation and priorities.
  4. Learning and self-reliance.
  5. Stamina and perseverance.
  6. Culturally fit.
  7. Team spirit.
  8. Marketable.

What means hard?

not soft; solid and firm to the touch; unyielding to pressure and impenetrable or almost impenetrable. firmly formed; tight: a hard knot. difficult to do or accomplish; fatiguing; troublesome: a hard task. difficult or troublesome with respect to an action, situation, person, etc.: hard to please; a hard time.

How can I work hard everyday?

Read on for seven tips and tricks that’ll get you motivated in no time.

  1. Don’t Think About it as Hard Work.
  2. Create Small, Bite-Sized Goals.
  3. Read Daily.
  4. Stop Caring About the Things That Don’t Matter.
  5. Set a Quit Time.
  6. Just Do It.
  7. Celebrate Wins.

How do you enjoy working hard?

How to Embrace Hard Work

  1. Get serious about a goal. Things are always easier when you are working towards something.
  2. Reframe your view of hard work. “Hard work” gets a bad rep.
  3. Remember that working your butt off feels amazing. Yes, the struggle can be real struggley.
  4. Focus on mastery.
  5. Do an extra 5%.

Do you enjoy hard work?

Yes, I enjoy the hard work. Because hard work always a very important role to make a successful career.

What motivates me to work harder?

Possible Answer #2 “Success is what motivates me to do a good job. Knowing the fact that my hard work and perseverance will help me achieve greater professional success is what keeps me going. I feel that aligning the company’s vision and values with my own is one way to achieve that.

How can I be a winner in life?

Here you go – 9 killer tips to become a winner in life.

  1. Set up specific goals, you need to know where you are going.
  2. You need to learn to take responsibility for your actions.
  3. Form a winning habit.
  4. Don’t be afraid to fail.
  5. Be eager to learn every day.
  6. Take risks.
  7. Stay focused.
  8. Visit every day (joking) !

How do I look like a winner?

Below are six ways to think like a winner which will directly intensify the results of your life.

  1. Believe that anything is possible.
  2. Consciously forgive everyone no matter what.
  3. Always learn new skills every day.
  4. Link being uncomfortable to being in a good state of mind.
  5. Embrace being different and out of place.

What makes you a winner quotes?

The 48 greatest quotes about winning

  1. Vince Lombardi. “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.”
  2. Bobby Knight. “The key is not the will to win… everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important.”
  3. Michael Jordan. “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games.

What makes you a winner?

Winners are disciplined. They must sacrifice other things in their pursuit of success. Winners understand that they will have to forgo instant gratification and pleasure in order to achieve their ultimate desires. They are willing to work harder and put in more effort than others.