Is it oFFen or often?

Is it oFFen or often?

Both pronunciations for OFTEN are found in the dictionary. Therefore both are correct. (variant pronunciations) Actual pronunciation is usually /ɔf·ən/ and this is the preferred pronunciation. For some reason, many people think they should pronounce most English words as written.

Is the T in Toronto silent?

how come the t is silent in Toronto but pronounced in Torontonian? Because of the structure of the word. It’s easy to slur the second T in Toronto because it’s at the end of the word.

Is the T in Christmas silent?

The word ‘Christmas. ‘ First, let’s point out that the T is silent. Christmas, Christmas. So it’s the first syllable that’s accented.

What is the rule of silent t?

When Is T Silent? The “rules” for silent T are these: if you see -STEN, -FTEN, or -STLE, you should assume that the T is silent. A lot of other silent letters are silent at the beginning (like G and K) or end (like B and N) of words.

What is a GIF called?

The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF; /ɡɪf/ GHIF or /dʒɪf/ JIF) is a bitmap image format that was developed by a team at the online services provider CompuServe led by American computer scientist Steve Wilhite on 15 June 1987.

What does GIF mean in WhatsApp?

Graphics Interchange Format

Why dont GIFs work on WhatsApp?

If you’re using a messenger like WhatsApp (which supports GIFs and videos on Android now), then make sure both users are using the same version of the app. Otherwise, send the link to the GIF instead of the GIF itself. This will stop the GIF from having problems when saved.

What does GIF mean in text speak?

GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format – in social media, GIFs are small animations and video footage. A GIF is commonly used to represent a feeling or action.

What does GOF mean?


Acronym Definition
GOF Get Off Facebook
GOF Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (book by J. K. Rowling)
GOF Grumpy Old Farts
GOF Guest Observer Facility

What does Difs mean?

Distributed Inter-Frame Space

What is a DILF man?

informal. A sexually attractive older man, typically one who has children. ‘he is now officially a DILF’

Is Difs a Scrabble word?

DIFS is a valid scrabble word.

Is PIF a word?

PIF is not a valid scrabble word.

Why are my GIFs not moving?

GIF stands for Graphical Interchange Format and it is designed to hold any non-photographic image. If you mean why don’t some GIFs that are supposed to move move, that’s because they require quite a bit of bandwidth download, especially if you are on a web page full of them.