Is laptop one word or two words?

Is laptop one word or two words?

Laptop is short for laptop computer. The big computer on your desk is a desktop, and the small one on your lap is a laptop. The word laptop was coined in 1984, based on — you guessed it — desktop, which describes the heavier, non-portable computer.

Is computer a compound word?

If you say ‘two nouns joined together to form a single word’, eg teapot, steamboat, then none of the examples quoted above from Longman are compound nouns. If you say ‘noun + noun as separate words’, then personal computer is not.

What kind of word is laptop?

Laptop computer is a noun – Word Type.

Is backpack a compound word?

There are a great number of compound nouns formed using the noun + noun combination. For example: backpack.

What is a compound symbol?

Compounds are represented by chemical formulas. Elements in a compound are represented by chemical symbols, and the ratio of different elements is represented by subscripts. There are different rules for writing the chemical formulas for ionic and covalent compounds.

What is formula of a compound?

A chemical formula is an expression that shows the elements in a compound and the relative proportions of those elements. Molecular formulas do not indicate how the atoms are arranged in the molecule. The empirical formula tells the lowest whole-number ratio of elements in a compound.

How do you read a compound?

When naming molecular compounds prefixes are used to dictate the number of a given element present in the compound. ” mono-” indicates one, “di-” indicates two, “tri-” is three, “tetra-” is four, “penta-” is five, and “hexa-” is six, “hepta-” is seven, “octo-” is eight, “nona-” is nine, and “deca” is ten.

What are compounds made up of?

A compound is a molecule made of atoms from different elements. All compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are compounds.

How many types of compounds are there?

four types

Can compounds be broken down?

Compounds can be broken down into simpler substances only by chemical changes.

Does a jar contain a compound?

The jar does not contain a compound. The jar has carbon and oxygen, but the two elements are not joined by chemical bonds.

Can a compound be separated by physical means?

A compound is a pure substance composed of two or more different atoms chemically bonded to one another. That means that it can not be separated into its constituents by mechanical or physical means and only can be destroyed by chemical means.