Is Pristine an adjective?

Is Pristine an adjective?

adjective. having its original purity; uncorrupted or unsullied. of or relating to the earliest period or state; primitive.

How do you use pristine in a sentence?

  1. We’ve just moved into our pristine new offices.
  2. My gargantuan, pristine machine was good for writing papers and playing solitaire, and that was all.
  3. He wasn’t about to blemish that pristine record.
  4. The car has been restored to pristine condition .
  5. He wiped his fingers on his pristine handkerchief.

Is Pristine an adjective or verb?

pristine • \PRISS-teen\ • adjective. 1 : belonging to the earliest period or state : original 2 a : not spoiled, corrupted, or polluted (as by civilization) : pure b : in perfect condition : fresh and clean as or as if new.

What are some examples of pristine?

The definition of pristine is something that is still in its original condition or still pure. An example of pristine is a forest that hasn’t been logged or damaged by humans. Of, relating to, or typical of the earliest time or condition; primitive or original.

What does pristine mean in sentence?

Definition of Pristine. still pure; unchanged. Examples of Pristine in a sentence. 1. Because there were few tourists on the island, the beaches were still pristine and beautiful.

What’s another word for pristine?

intact, primitive, undisturbed, immaculate, primeval, untouched, unspoiled, spotless, perfect, undeveloped, impeccable, untapped, old-growth, flawless, undamaged, ideal, primal.

What’s another word for flawless?

What is another word for flawless?

perfect impeccable
faultless immaculate
sound unbroken
undamaged whole
spotless unimpaired

What is the antonym of word pristine?

foreign, unsterilized, dirty, recent, fresh, adventitious, late, foul, unwashed, marred, besmirched, dingy, unclean, grubby, impaired, defaced, tainted, harmed, soiled, blackened, greasy, polluted, unsterile, exotic, blemished, filthy, bruised, hand-me-down, modern, second hand, discolored, worn, sullied, used.

What does supplanted mean in English?

1 : to supersede (another) especially by force or treachery. 2a(1) obsolete : uproot. (2) : to eradicate and supply a substitute for efforts to supplant the vernacular. b : to take the place of and serve as a substitute for especially by reason of superior excellence or power.

What is pristine condition mean?

: a state of being like new : perfect condition The car is 10 years old but it’s still in pristine condition.

Is pristine better than excellent?

As adjectives the difference between pristine and excellent is that pristine is unspoiled; still with its original purity; uncorrupted or unsullied or pristine can be relating to sawfishes of the family pristidae while excellent is of the highest quality; splendid.

What does harboring mean?

Harboring means to secretly provide shelter, lodging, protection to conceal.

When a person is ambiguous?

In ambivalent it refers to having mixed, contradictory, or more than one feeling about something. In ambiguous on the other hand, it means unclear or able to be understood in multiple ways. ‘Ambiguous’, on the other hand, means “unclear or capable of being understood in two or more different ways.”

Where is ambiguous used?

Ambiguous sentence example

  • Her songs are intentionally ambiguous .
  • The ending was more ambiguous , one in which the future of the world was in question.
  • There are a number of specific issues left somewhat ambiguous in the document.
  • The modern work is deliberately ambiguous .

What is an example of ambiguous?

Ambiguity, or fallacy of ambiguity, is a word, phrase, or statement which contains more than one meaning. For instance, it is ambiguous to say “I rode a black horse in red pajamas,” because it may lead us to think the horse was wearing red pajamas.

What is ambiguous behavior?

n. 1. the property of a behavior, behavior pattern, or situation that might be interpreted in more than one way.

What are examples of role ambiguity?

Some researchers refer to role ambiguity by its polar opposite, role clarity….Consequences of Role Ambiguity

  • Overall job dissatisfaction.
  • Dissatisfaction with work tasks.
  • Dissatisfaction with supervision.
  • Dissatisfaction with coworkers.
  • Low organizational commitment.
  • Low job involvement.
  • High turnover intention.
  • Absenteeism.

How do you handle ambiguous situations?

If so, here are some ways to help you to become better at dealing with ambiguity.

  1. Learn to Act without Knowing All of The Details.
  2. Be Confident and Take Risks.
  3. Plan for the Future, but Remain in The Present.
  4. Communicate.
  5. Embrace Change.

How do you handle ambiguity in the workplace?

Tolerance of Ambiguity in the Workplace

  1. Make a decision.
  2. If you have questions, don’t be afraid to ask them but don’t be frozen if you aren’t able to get your questions answered.
  3. Be empathetic with your team.
  4. Be clear and concise when you do have all of the information or once a decision is made.

What do we mean by role ambiguity?

Role ambiguity occurs when people are unclear or uncertain about their expectations within a certain role, typically their role in the job or workplace. Role ambiguity arises when the definition of the person’s job is vague or ill defined.

What are ambiguous situations?

What is Ambiguity? You are dealing with ambiguous situations when you see that there is more than one solution to a problem, but you aren’t sure which one to do. Or, it might be when you come to a conclusion about a situation, but before you can act on it, the situation has already changed.

How do you prevent role ambiguity?

Managers can reduce role ambiguity by providing IS employees with a clear definition of tasks and priorities related to the job. This will provide a better understanding of task objectives and reasons for performing the task and a more clearly defined sequence in which subtasks should be performed.

What are the causes of role ambiguity?

Five causes of role ambiguity were identified. These were size and complexity of the organisation, rapid rate of change, restrictions on employees’ authority, vaguely defined tasks and task interdependence.

What are the two types of ambiguity?

There are two types of ambiguity, lexical and structural.