Is recap short for anything?

Is recap short for anything?

Recap is short for recapitulation or briefly going over what has already been said. An example of a recap is the summary of a new program before the show is over.

What is the meaning of the word recap?

to repeat the main points of something that has been discussed earlier at the end of a meeting or talk: Let me (just) recap very briefly what I said earlier.

Is Recap a proper word?

verb (used with or without object), re·capped, re·cap·ping. to recapitulate.

Whats the opposite of a recap?

Opposite of a brief summary of something presented. enlargement. expansion. extension. increase.

What’s the opposite of recap?

Antonyms for recap increase, extension, unabridgement, expansion, enlargement.

What is another word for recap?

In this page you can discover 24 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for recap, like: review, summary, synopsize, go over, run-through, run down, summarize, sum up, wrap-up, reupholster and epitomize.

What is the meaning of epitomize?

transitive verb. 1 : to serve as the typical or ideal example of. 2 : to make or give an epitome of.

What’s another word for reiterate?

What is another word for reiterate?

iterate repeat
recite reprise
reproduce quote
regurgitate parrot
redo imitate

Is reiterate a rude word?

“To Reiterate” This phrase is simply unnecessary and can come off as a bit rude, especially if you put it in a first email to someone. If you’re typing “to reiterate” in an email, it’s because you assume the recipient didn’t understand your message the first time.

Is reiterate a word?

Iterate and reiterate are synonymous meaning “to repeat or do over again.” Both words have Latin origins so this is not a case of over-correction in English. In usage however, you will mostly see “reiterate” meaning “to repeat” and the noun form of “iterate,” “iteration,” meaning “version.”

What is the best synonyms for reiterate?

other words for reiterate

  • echo.
  • renew.
  • repeat.
  • restate.
  • ditto.
  • recap.
  • recapitulate.
  • rehash.

Is The Meaning Of reiterate?

transitive verb. : to state or do over again or repeatedly sometimes with wearying effect.

What is the difference between iterate and reiterate?

The difference is subtle, but iterate focuses on one particular instance of a repeating action, while reiterate calls additional attention to the repetition itself.

What is the opposite of reiterate?

What is the opposite of reiterate?

abandon deny
gainsay forget
endure desert
reply tolerate

How do you say reiterate in a nice way?


  1. duplicate,
  2. redo,
  3. reduplicate,
  4. remake,
  5. renew,
  6. repeat,
  7. replicate,
  8. reprise.

Is reiterate redundant?

That chronology should put to rest the notion that reiterate is nothing more than a redundant form of iterate (a pet peeve for some), since the re- prefix could be used simply for emphasis in Late Latin and its European inheritors.

What does the word disconsolate mean?

English Language Learners Definition of disconsolate formal : very unhappy or sad. See the full definition for disconsolate in the English Language Learners Dictionary. disconsolate. adjective. dis·​con·​so·​late | \ dis-ˈkän-sə-lət \

What does downcast mean?

1 : low in spirit : dejected. 2 : directed downward with downcast eyes.

Is Unhappy a word?

unhappy is an adjective, unhappily is an adverb, unhappiness is a noun:He was very unhappy to hear such bad news. She frowned unhappily as they voted against her proposal. His life was filled with unhappiness and sorrow.

What’s the word for not happy or sad?

SYNONYMS FOR unhappy 1 sorrowful, downcast, cheerless, distressed. 2 hapless. 3 unpropitious. 4 inappropriate, inapt.

What do you call a person who is always unhappy?

A morose person is sullen, gloomy, sad, glum, and depressed — not a happy camper. When someone is morose, they seem to have a cloud of sadness hanging over them. This word is stronger than just sad — morose implies being extremely gloomy and depressed.

What is a next word for unhappy?

The definition of dismal is something that is gloomy that makes you feel sad. In this page you can discover 87 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unhappy, like: dull, miserable, sad, down, tristful, dejected, melancholic, sorry, heavy-hearted, gloomy and downcast.

What does heartbroken mean?

To be heartbroken is to be so sad that it feels like your heart has cracked inside your chest. You’d be heartbroken after a death, but you can also be heartbroken when you get dumped by your girlfriend or boyfriend. When someone is heartbroken, they are deeply sorrowful or distressed.

What are signs of a broken heart?

Signs and symptoms of broken heart syndrome include:

  • Sudden, severe chest pain (angina) – a main symptom.
  • Shortness of breath – a main symptom.
  • Weakening of the left ventricle of your heart – a main sign.
  • Fluid in your lungs.
  • Irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias).
  • Low blood pressure (hypotension).

What a broken heart feels like?

A person with a broken heart often has episodes of sobbing, rage, and despair. They may not eat or sleep for days and may also neglect their personal hygiene. A few may repress their feelings so that they do not have to face the pain of the loss, which may cause panic, anxiety, and depression a few months later.