Is Spectat singular or plural?

Is Spectat singular or plural?

The plural form of spectator is spectators.

How do you pluralize in Latin?

Latin Plural Endings

  1. Words ending in a, plural -s or -ae. alga: algae or algas.
  2. Words ending in ex, plural -exes or -ices.
  3. Words ending in eau, plural -eaus or -eaux.
  4. Words ending in ion, plural -ia.
  5. Words ending in is, plural -es.
  6. Words ending in ix.
  7. Words ending in o, plural -os or -i.
  8. Words ending in oo, plural -oos.

What is Specto in Latin?

Verb. specto. I watch, observe, look at, see. I test.

What is the plural of spectator?

spectator. Plural. spectators. The plural form of spectator; more than one (kind of) spectator.

Which type of noun is spectator?

noun. a person who looks on or watches; onlooker; observer. a person who is present at and views a spectacle, display, or the like; member of an audience. Also called spectator shoe .

What is the Latin root word for spectator?

1580s, from Latin spectator “viewer, watcher,” from past participle stem of spectare “to view, watch” (see spectacle).

Which word has almost the same meaning as the word spectators?

nounperson who sees an event occur. beholder. bystander. looker-on. observer.

What’s another word for spectacular?

Spectacular Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for spectacular?

breathtaking arresting
outstanding amazing
dazzling fabulous
fantastic impressive
incredible magnificent

What’s another word for participants?

What is another word for participant?

partaker participator
actor member
party associate
entrant shareholder
sharer aide

What is another word for entire?

Frequently Asked Questions About entire Some common synonyms of entire are all, total, and whole. While all these words mean “including everything or everyone without exception,” entire may suggest a state of completeness or perfection to which nothing can be added.

What is the antonym of the word entire?

Antonyms: castrated, fractional, rough, unsexed. Synonyms: total, full, integral, intact. entire, intact(adj)

What is the definition of espouse?

transitive verb. 1 : marry. 2 : to take up and support as a cause : become attached to.