Is stock broker one word or two?

Is stock broker one word or two?

noun. a broker, especially one employed by a member firm of a stock exchange, who buys and sells stocks and other securities for customers.

What is the plural of trade?

Plural. trades. The plural form of trade; more than one (kind of) trade.

Are stockbrokers obsolete?

Stockbrokers are going extinct. Today, stockbrokers have been replaced with “financial consultants” (or whatever they choose to call themselves) who do nothing more than gather clients’ assets, outsource the actual investment management to third parties, and collect fees.

What is the plural of agent?

noun. \ ˈā-jənt \ plural agents.

What is Agent example?

An agent is defined as someone or something that makes something happen. A bee taking pollen from flower to flower is an example of the bee being an agent for pollination. An author’s agent; an insurance agent.

Who is the best secret agent?

  • Joe Turner – Three Days of the Condor (1975)
  • Gunther Bachmann – A Most Wanted Man (2014)
  • Nikita – La Femme Nikita (1990)
  • Alicia Huberman – Notorious (1946)
  • Jason Bourne – The Bourne Series (2002-)
  • George Smiley – Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)
  • Harry Palmer – The Ipcress File (1965)
  • James Bond (1962-)

What is a secret hidden word?

Words related to secret secluded, covert, classified, undisclosed, private, undercover, mysterious, unknown, underground, furtive, hush-hush, obscure, unpublished, confidential, secretive, surreptitious, restricted, mystery, code, key.

Who was the first secret agent?

1. Nathan Hale. Often dubbed “America’s first spy,” Nathan Hale was a Yale graduate who served in Knowlton’s Rangers, a short-lived Continental reconnaissance unit.

Who is the greatest spy in history?

Aldrich Ames

Who is the father of espionage?

Not quite cricket: that’s what American diplomats once thought of spying. “The whole idea of espionage ran against the grain of American culture,” said Douglas Waller, author of “Wild Bill Donovan: the Spymaster Who Created the OSS and Modern American Espionage.”

How can I be a secret agent?

Secret service agent positions typically require candidates to have earned a GPA between 3.0 and 4.0 as well as be a member of an honor’s society. If you don’t hold a bachelor’s degree, you may be considered for a position as an agent with a minimum of three years of experience in law enforcement.

How long is secret service training?

Secret Service training usually takes several months. Agents complete the 10-week criminal investigator training program, followed by an 18-week special agent training course. Agents also undergo continuing education and training throughout their careers.

What is the age limit for Secret Service?

According to the Secret Service, applicants must adhere to these requirements: They must a U.S. citizen. Agents must be younger than 37 but at least 21 at the time they apply. A special consideration is made for veterans who must be younger than 40 at the time of the application.

Do First Ladies have Secret Service for life?

112–257 (text) (pdf) also known as the Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012. All living former presidents and their spouses after Dwight D. Eisenhower are now entitled to receive lifetime Secret Service protection. Their children are entitled to protection “until they become 16 years of age”.

Why do Secret Service agents hold their suits?

As noted in the Obama- and Hillary-Protect series, their Secret Service candidate-protective agents hold their hands at waist height, particularly in crowds, but also when standing guard. Presumably this allows quick action against hands of attackers or to draw weapons.

Why do Secret Service agents wear sunglasses?

Secret Service agents sometimes wear sunglasses to keep the sun out of their eyes, so they can increase their ability to see what people in the crowd are doing.

Are the windows on the White House bulletproof?

Bulletproof windows Funnily enough, in any photo you see of the White House, you’ll also see countless windows. Even the Resolute Desk is positioned with the President’s back turned to a bunch of windows in the Oval Office. Thankfully, they’re some of the most impenetrable windows known to man.

Do Secret Service wear jeans?

The image of a Secret Service agent wearing a suit and sunglasses, a finger pressed to a coiled-wire earpiece, isn’t strictly accurate. Agents, in fact, generally dress for the occasion. Sometimes it’s a suit or a tuxedo, but it’s just as often jeans and a jacket.

What weapons do the Secret Service carry?

The Secret Service’s current duty sidearm, the SIG-Sauer P229 double-action/single-action pistol chambered in . 357 SIG, entered service in 1999. It is the issued handgun to all special agents as well as officers of the Uniformed Division. As of 2019, the SIG-Sauer P229 is scheduled to be replaced with Glock handguns.

What pistol do Navy SEALs carry?

P226 MK25

What pistol does Delta Force use?

Beretta M9

What is better than a Glock 19?

The Sig P320 Carry is basically the same; it’s just 0.2 inches taller and holds 1 or 2 more rounds, depending on caliber. That said, the Glock 19 is only offered in 9mm; the Sig can be had in 9mm..Sig P320 vs Glock 19: By The Numbers.

Glock 19 Sig P320 Compact
Capacity 15+1 15+1
Barrel Length 4.01 inches 3.9 inches

What pistol do the Green Berets use?

In recent years the Glock has become preferred across the American military services. The Marine Special Operations Command has selected Glock 19s for its elite Raider unit, and even Delta has transitioned to the Glock 19—deciding the 9mm version suffers from less wear that the .