Is supposed Or suppose?

Is supposed Or suppose?

Supposed to is part of a modal verb phrase meaning expected to or required to. Although suppose to crops up frequently in casual speech and writing, it should not be used in that sense. Suppose (without the d) should only be used as the present tense of the verb meaning to assume (something to be true).

What does supposed mean?

adjective. assumed as true, regardless of fact; hypothetical: a supposed case. accepted or believed as true, without positive knowledge: the supposed site of an ancient temple. merely thought to be such; imagined: supposed gains.

How do you spell Suppostu?

Correct spelling for the English word “supposed” is [sʌpˈə͡ʊzd], [sʌpˈə‍ʊzd], [s_ʌ_p_ˈəʊ_z_d] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Is Studiable a word?

adjective. Capable of being studied; suitable for study.

What is the adjective for study?

studious. Given to thought, or to the examination of subjects by contemplation; contemplative. Given to study; devoted to the acquisition of knowledge from books. (usually followed by an infinitive or by “of”) Earnest in endeavors; aiming sedulously; attentive; observant; diligent.

What is another word for studied?

What is another word for studied?

deliberate calculated
weighed careful
contrived prepared
willing examined
investigated studious

What does scrutiny mean?

1 : a searching study, inquiry, or inspection : examination. 2 : a searching look. 3 : close watch : surveillance.

What does volitional mean?

1 : the power of choosing or determining : will. 2 : an act of making a choice or decision also : a choice or decision made.

What’s another word for steady?

What is another word for steady?

constant unvarying
continuous unchanging
consistent unwavering
ceaseless changeless
uniform undeviating

Does steady mean slow?

steady. Explore Thesaurus ​ slowly and gradually continuing to change, move, or happen.

What is the opposite of steady?

steady. Antonyms: infirm, variable, unsteady, inconstant, changeable, wavering, illregulated. Synonyms: firm, fixed, constant, uniform, consistent, equable, regular, undeviating, well-regulated.

What is a synonym for good?

adj.pleasant, fine. adj.moral, virtuous. adj.competent, skilled. adj.useful, adequate. adj.reliable; untainted.

What is another word for good person?


  1. aristocrat.
  2. brick.
  3. good egg.
  4. good person.
  5. nice person.
  6. noble.
  7. scholar.

What is a fancy word for wrong?

SYNONYMS FOR wrong 1 bad, evil, wicked, sinful, immoral, iniquitous, reprehensible; crooked. 2 inaccurate, incorrect, false, untrue, mistaken. 8 misdeed, immorality, wickedness, sin, vice.

What do you call someone who is very good at something?

adept. noun. someone who is very skilled at doing something or who knows a lot about something.

What do you call a person with many talents?

Multipotentiality is the state of having many exceptional talents, any one or more of which could make for a great career for that person. A multipotentialite is a person who has many different interests and creative pursuits in life.

How do you say something very good?

And now, back to our words!

  1. Cool. In addition to being used to describe temperature, “cool” also means very good or fashionable.
  2. Excellent. “Excellent” is used to describe something very good or of high quality.
  3. Wonderful. “Wonderful” means great or very good.
  4. Perfect.
  5. Fantastic.
  6. Exceptional.
  7. Terrific.
  8. Outstanding.

How do you say someone is very good?

We often say someone is very well or something is of high quality or really good using the word “excellent”….Excellent

  1. How are you today, Tom?
  2. Excellent! I went for a run this morning and I feel great.
  3. Your exam results are absolutely excellent. Let’s celebrate!

How do you describe a kind hearted person?

If you describe someone as kind-hearted, you mean that they are kind, caring, and generous. He was a warm, generous and kind-hearted man.

What do you call someone who is kind?

1 mild, benign, benignant, gentle, tender, compassionate.

How do you describe a kind person?

You can describe someone who is kind and always thinks about other people’s feelings as thoughtful or considerate. Thank you for calling when I was sick – it was very thoughtful of you. He’s always very polite and considerate.

How do you describe a beautiful girl?

Good-looking handsome; beautiful; attractive; pleasing in appearance. Gorgeous very beautiful or magnificent; wonderful; delightful. Graceful characterized by beauty of style, shape or execution. Grand rich; wonderful; highly pleasing; highly important; principal; superior in quality; extraordinarily good.

How do you say someone is friendly?


  1. affectionate.
  2. amiable.
  3. beneficial.
  4. cordial.
  5. familiar.
  6. good.
  7. helpful.
  8. sympathetic.

How do you say someone is easy to talk to?

Affable means friendly, pleasant, and easy to talk to.

What is a friendly relationship called?

1. friendly relationship – the state of being friends (or friendly) friendship. relationship – a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries. blood brotherhood – the friendship characteristic of blood brothers.

Are you kind hearted?

How do you know if your a good hearted person?

Here’s what to watch for:

  1. Humor does not come at the expense of others.
  2. Generosity is a way of life.
  3. They give of their time.
  4. The person gives without expecting recognition.
  5. Those who are highly accepting are highly attractive.
  6. They make things smooth, not rough.
  7. Everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

How do you describe a good hearted person?

kind or generous; considerate; benevolent.

What do kind-hearted people do?

They believe in others A kind-hearted person sees — and insists on seeing — the good in others. They motivate, inspire, and encourage others to live significant lives. They will inspire others to stay positive in negative situations. As a result, the recipients of their kindness believe in themselves, too.

Is supposed Or suppose?

Is supposed Or suppose?

Supposed to is part of a modal verb phrase meaning expected to or required to. Although suppose to crops up frequently in casual speech and writing, it should not be used in that sense. Suppose (without the d) should only be used as the present tense of the verb meaning to assume (something to be true).

What does supposed mean?

adjective. assumed as true, regardless of fact; hypothetical: a supposed case. accepted or believed as true, without positive knowledge: the supposed site of an ancient temple. merely thought to be such; imagined: supposed gains.

How do you spell Suppostu?

Correct spelling for the English word “supposed” is [sʌpˈə͡ʊzd], [sʌpˈə‍ʊzd], [s_ʌ_p_ˈəʊ_z_d] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What is the origin of supposed?

supposed (adj.) “believed or thought to exist,” 1580s, past-participle adjective from suppose (v.); often with the -e- pronounced, to distinguish it from the passive past tense supposed, now common in the sense of “to have a duty or obligation” (1859).

Which word mean to multiply?

Some common synonyms of multiply are augment, enlarge, and increase. While all these words mean “to make or become greater,” multiply implies increase in number by natural generation or by indefinite repetition of a process.

Does produce mean multiply?

The product meaning in math is the result of multiplying two or more numbers together. Multiplying two numbers by a multiplier and then adding them is the same as multiplying their sum by the multiplier.

Does multiply mean add?

In math, to multiply means to add equal groups. When we multiply, the number of things in the group increases. The two factors and the product are parts of a multiplication problem. Here is another example of a multiplication fact that shows multiplication is also repeated addition.

How do I know if I add or multiply probabilities?

The best way to learn when to add and when to multiply is to work out as many probability problems as you can. But, in general: If you have “or” in the wording, add the probabilities. If you have “and” in the wording, multiply the probabilities.

What are these () called?

These { } have a variety of names; they are called braces, curly brackets, or squiggly brackets.