Is surely a correct word?

Is surely a correct word?

“Surely” is traditional, formal, correct. “Sure” is colloquial, informal, common, and also correct (at least it is in America.) Well, beyond that “Americsn” or “British” never ending debate, basic rules do exsist in the common English Language. “Surely” is an adverb and “hot” is an adjective.

What’s another word for surely?

What is another word for surely?

certainly definitely
undoubtedly unquestionably
doubtless inevitably
incontestably incontrovertibly
indubitably irrefutably

Is it surely or surly?

As adverbs the difference between surly and surely is that surly is (obsolete) in an arrogant or supercilious manner while surely is without fail.

How do you use surely in a sentence?

Surely sentence example

  1. Surely she would understand.
  2. You surely did not expect to see that Asiatic capital.
  3. Surely he should have known she would get suspicious.
  4. Surely he must know that spending so much time with her might prove uncomfortable later.
  5. My dear Mr.

Will surely or surely will?

I’d prefer “will surely” — just for the sake of the rhythm of the sentence. Those who practise XYZ religion surely will be protected by the guardian deities. ‘Surely’ is an adverb and an adverb should be placed as near the verb, it is referring to, as possible.

Can we use surely?

We use the adverb surely to express a degree of certainty. It does not express as much certainty as definitely or certainly. When we use surely, we are hoping that our listener will agree with us: Lisa will surely find a solution to the problem..

Will surely do meaning?

I sure will

What does slowly but surely mean?

by making slow but definite progress

What does surely not mean?

1. used for showing that you do not believe that something can be true. ‘Did she tell you they’ve split up? ‘ ‘Surely not. ‘

What is mean by surely?

1 : in a sure manner: a archaic : without danger or risk of injury or loss : safely. b(1) : with assurance : confidently answered quickly and surely. (2) : without doubt : certainly they will surely be heard from in the future— R. J. Lifton.

What part of speech is surely?


What’s a word for being sure?

Frequently Asked Questions About sure Some common synonyms of sure are certain, cocksure, and positive. While all these words mean “having no doubt or uncertainty,” sure usually stresses the subjective or intuitive feeling of assurance.

How do you say yes in a cute way?

Creative Ways to Say “Yes”

  1. Okey-dokey!
  2. I’m at your behest.
  3. Aye aye, captain!
  4. I was born for this!
  5. That would be a Y-E-S!
  6. You just stole the words out of my mouth.
  7. Right on, brother/sister.
  8. Definitely not NO.

What is another word for yes?

What is another word for yes?

yeah yep
yah yea
yup absolutely
agreed alright
indeed sure

Is sure another word for yes?

Sure is used as “yes,” though it never means “yes.” Sure is a thumbs up to your face, and a jerkoff motion behind your back.

Is sure rude?

“Sure” is not at all rude in the American vernacular. If asked a question that would warrant a “yes “ or “no” answer saying sure could be seen as being rude. Usually it means the person didn’t understand the question and instead of asking for clarity or for the question to be repeated they would say “sure”.

Is sure thing rude?

“Sure thing,” although informal, is synonymous with “certainly.” If you and your boss have an informal type of relationship (a good barometer may be if you’re on a first name basis with him/her), then you could use it.

Is it rude to say yeah?

There’s nothing rude about “yeah”. It’s the normal affirmative word in English and all native speakers use it, even those who complain about it. In “yeah right”, using “yeah” is mandatory.

Is saying pardon rude?

Many of you will believe that ‘pardon’ is only polite. But the thing about ‘pardon’ is, it is certainly polite and respectful – which is not to be underestimated. ‘I beg your pardon’ in all its hauteur is rather flourishy and almost certainly sarcastic in the least entertaining way possible.

Is yeah a slang word?

It’s slang. It means “yes” or “whatever.” Sometimes we even use it with “so” to make it even more casual (or obnoxious), “Yeah, so, I was bored.” Big freakin’ deal.

Why do we say yeah?

“Yeah” with certain inflections is often used as an expression for “I don’t believe you” or “That’s nice.” Yeah, no. They’re confirming that they’re actually saying No. It’s just a verbal tic.

What does Yep mean from a girl?

YEP means “Yes”.

Why do we say um?

Some studies show that we use “um” to signal longer pauses, and “uh” to signify shorter ones. Linguist Mark Liberman believes that we say “um” when we’re trying to decide what to say, and “uh” when we’re trying to decide how to say it.

Is Yep unprofessional?

Is Yep unprofessional? Yep. Yes is not a formal word; you can use it in both formal and informal contexts. … Yep is used when it’s the only word in the answer; yeah is used in the other cases.

Is yep or Yup correct?

Yup and its more common variant Yep are informal ways of saying Yes. The only difference is one of formality. Use Yup only in informal (casual) settings; not, say, in a business meeting.

Is Yep dismissive?

7 Answers. You are correct that “yeah” and “yep” are informal variants of “yes.” In conversation among friends, any form is appropriate, but “yep” has a slightly dismissive tone.

What is difference between YEP and yes?

The difference is in their usage. ‘Yes’ is standard English and to be used when you are responding formally, in a mail or speaking to someone. ‘Yeah’ and ‘Yep’ are both informal and can be casually used when you are speaking or writing to friends, family etc.

What does Yep mean?

informal. : yes “Ready to go?” “

What do yeah mean?

Yea is pronounced “yay” and it means yes. You would typically use it only under specific circumstances, such as a formal vote.

How do you say yes in an email?

Polite Ways to Say Yes in English

  1. Yeah, sure. Here you go.
  2. No problem! I’m always happy to help.
  3. Yep! I will be right there. (Yep is another informal way to say yes like yeah.)
  4. Yeah, I’d be happy to!
  5. Cool. (Yes, cool can really be used to say yes or to show agreement.)
  6. You got it.
  7. Okay.

Is surely a correct word?

Is surely a correct word?

The word surely is an adverb. An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb or an adjective. To help you remember the job of an adverb, think that it ADDS to the verb. The word surely means a good possibility or chance that it will happen.

What does it mean to be surely?

1 : in a sure manner: a archaic : without danger or risk of injury or loss : safely. b(1) : with assurance : confidently answered quickly and surely. (2) : without doubt : certainly they will surely be heard from in the future— R. J. Lifton.

Would surely Or will surely?

‘Surely’ is an adverb and an adverb should be placed as near the verb, it is referring to, as possible. So the correct sentence should be[b]” Those who practise XYZ religion will be surely protected by the guardian deities.

What type of word is surely?


Is surely formal or informal?

“Surely” is traditional, formal, correct. “Sure” is colloquial, informal, common, and also correct (at least it is in America.) Well, beyond that “Americsn” or “British” never ending debate, basic rules do exsist in the common English Language. “Surely” is an adverb and “hot” is an adjective.

What word is sure?

Adjective. sure, certain, positive, cocksure mean having no doubt or uncertainty. sure usually stresses the subjective or intuitive feeling of assurance.

How do you reply for sure?

Saying sure in response to thank you is very informal….Sure it is sometimes combined with other responses such as:

  1. Sure, no problem.
  2. Sure, don’t mention it.
  3. Sure, my pleasure.

Is sure better than yes?

It’s an increment of certainty. “Sure” is a more definite answer than “yes.” It displays a higher level of confidence. In everyday speech, the two words are used interchangeably.

Does sure mean no?

If asked a question that would warrant a “yes “ or “no” answer saying sure could be seen as being rude. Usually it means the person didn’t understand the question and instead of asking for clarity or for the question to be repeated they would say “sure”.

What can I say instead of sure?

  • Synonyms for sure. all right, alright, assuredly, certainly, clearly, definitely, doubtless, easily, forsooth, hands down, inarguably,
  • Words Related to sure. conceivably, likely, perhaps, possibly, probably. obviously, unmistakably.
  • Phrases Synonymous with sure. by all means, by all odds, damn well, for certain, for sure.

Can we say sure for thanks?

There’s no real need for a “thank you” and it is not viewed as rude. Sure means OK in this context. The standard, polite response is simply: “You’re welcome!”

How do you write OK thanks?

  1. That sounds great, thank you!
  2. Great Plan, looking forward do it!
  3. Okay that sounds great to me, let me know if anything changes in the mean time.
  4. Perfect! Thank you for your work on this!
  5. Okay that sounds great! See you then!
  6. Okay, that works for me. Thanks again!
  7. Okay, thank you for letting me know.
  8. Okay, I agree.

How do you reply to a thank you message?

10 English Phrases for Responding to “Thank You”

  1. You’re welcome.
  2. No problem.
  3. No worries.
  4. Don’t mention it.
  5. My pleasure.
  6. Anytime.
  7. It was the least I could do.
  8. Glad to help.

Does sure mean you’re welcome?

In the United States, in a mid-Western regional colloquial usage, or “in the countryside” in general (as in anywhere in the U.S. that is non-urban), the expression “sure thing” can replace “you’re welcome”. This is very casual usage though.

Why do people say sure instead of you’re welcome?

It means they didn’t even expect a thank you, and so feel weird saying “you’re welcome”, because it feels too grandiose for whatever they are being thanked for.

Is it polite to say no problem?

Other terms of politeness, including “no problem,” are also commonly used in this way. The fact is “you’re welcome” and “no problem” aren’t all that different. They can be sincere replies or reflexive expressions of politeness.

Can I say no worries to Sorry?

Explanation: This is very commonly in both regular daily life and in the work place. It can be used after an apology or after someone says thank you. In both cases, it is telling the person that the event was no big deal and it does not require an apology or a thank you.

Is Nevermind rude?

Never mind isn’t rude on its own, but you do want to be sure you are using the right tone of voice when you say it. If you say “never mind” rudely, then it’s obviously going to come across badly. There are so many different ways that you could use “never mind” in a situation.

How do you say no nicely to your boss?

Use these examples to politely say “no” to your employer and coworkers:

  1. “Unfortunately, I have too much to do today.
  2. “I’m flattered by your offer, but no thank you.”
  3. “That sounds fun, but I have a lot going on at home.”
  4. “I’m not comfortable doing that task.
  5. “Now isn’t a good time for me.