Is the word supply a noun or verb?

Is the word supply a noun or verb?

The word supply is used as a verb to mean to provide something. As a noun, supply refers to a stockpile or quantity of something.

What type of noun is supplies?

(uncountable) The act of supplying. (countable) An amount of something supplied. (plural) provisions.

Is supply an adverb?

supply used as an adverb: In a supple manner, with suppleness.

What mean supplies?

verb (used with object), sup·plied, sup·ply·ing. to furnish or provide (a person, establishment, place, etc.) with what is lacking or requisite: to supply someone clothing; to supply a community with electricity. to furnish or provide (something wanting or requisite): to supply electricity to a community.

What is another word for supplies?

What is another word for supplies?

provisions rations
goods items
material materials
purchases replenishments
stock store

What is the antonym for supplies?

What is the opposite of supplies?

denies refuses
declines withholds
disallows forbids
prohibits interdicts

What bestow means?

transitive verb. 1 : to put to use : apply bestowed his spare time on study. 2 : to put in a particular or appropriate place : stow … bestowed in her car …

What is a synonym for bestow?

Some common synonyms of bestow are afford, confer, donate, give, and present.

How do you use the word bestow?

Bestow sentence example. It is a big honor to bestow on a person. He was ever ready to take blame on himself and bestow praise on others. I would ask that you bestow defenses upon them to thwart his inevitable attack.

What is the opposite word of I?

What is the opposite of I?

nay nix
never nope
not not at all
not by any means no way
on no account

What are the antonyms words?

List of Antonyms

Word Antonym-1 Antonym-3
Accept Refuse Deny
Accurate Inaccurate Unreliable
Advantage Disadvantage Impotence
Alive Dead Sluggish

What are homonyms give 5 examples?

Homonym Examples

  • Address – to speak to / location.
  • Air – oxygen / a lilting tune.
  • Arm – body part / division of a company.
  • Band – a musical group / a ring.
  • Bark – a tree’s out layer / the sound a dog makes.
  • Bat – an implement used to hit a ball / a nocturnal flying mammal.

What are two opposite nouns?

An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two apparently contradictory terms appear together. Examples include a deafening silence, harmonious discord, an open secret, and the living dead. See other Vocabulary Questions.

What is antonyms and its examples?

An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. For instance, the antonym of ‘hot’ may be ‘cold. ‘ The root words for the word ‘antonym’ are the words ‘anti,’ meaning ‘against’ or ‘opposite,’ and ‘onym,’ meaning ‘name. Synonyms and antonyms are exactly the opposite.

What is a synonym for example?

Some common synonyms of example are case, illustration, instance, sample, and specimen.

What is the word an?

The definition of an is a word used in place of the word “a” when the following word begins with a vowel sound. An example of when the word an should be used is in front of the word honorary. adjective.

What is the oldest swear word?

Fart, as it turns out, is one of the oldest rude words we have in the language: Its first record pops up in roughly 1250, meaning that if you were to travel 800 years back in time just to let one rip, everyone would at least be able to agree upon what that should be called.

Does synonym mean the same?

A synonym is a word, morpheme, or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word, morpheme, or phrase in the same language. For example, the words begin, start, commence, and initiate are all synonyms of one another; they are synonymous.

What is opposite word of time?

“I will rest in peace in the afterlife when my time is over.”…What is the opposite of time?

future life to come
time to come time ahead
world to come subsequent time

What are p words?

  • pablum.
  • pacers.
  • pachas.
  • pacier.
  • pacify.
  • pacing.
  • packed.
  • packer.