Is there a word longer than Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?

Is there a word longer than Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?

The longest words in the dictionary are: antidisestablishmentarianism – opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England – 28 letters. floccinaucinihilipilification – the estimation of something as worthless – 29 letters. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis – a supposed lung disease – 45 letters.

What is longest word in English?


What is the verb for long?

verb (1) longed; longing\ ˈlȯŋ-​iŋ \ Definition of long (Entry 4 of 9) intransitive verb. : to feel a strong desire or craving especially for something not likely to be attained they long for peace longing to return home.

What is long example?

The definition of long is an extended distance or an extended period of time. An example of long is a 100 mile road. An example of long is a 4-hour movie. A mile long; an hour long.

Is Beautifuler a word?

Obsolete spelling of beautifuller.

What is short for beautiful?

6. btfl. Beautiful. Internet Slang, Slang, Texting.

How do you call a girl beautiful without saying it?

Ways to Say You Are Beautiful

  1. You look gorgeous!
  2. You look as pretty as always!
  3. You look drop dead gorgeous!
  4. I think you are very attractive!
  5. Wow, you are gorgeous!
  6. I think you are stunning!
  7. I think you are super cute!
  8. You look absolutely fantastic!

Who is most beautiful woman?

According to Science, Bella Hadid is the Most Beautiful Woman in the World

  • Bella Hadid (94.35%) Beyonce (92.44%) Amber Heard (91.85%)
  • Ariana Grande (91.81%) Taylor Swift (91.64%) Kate Moss (91.05%)
  • Scarlett Johansson (90.91%) Natalie Portman (90.51%) Katy Perry (90.08%)

Which country has most handsome man?

Top 18 Countries With The Sexiest Men In The World

  • Australia.
  • Argentina.
  • Japan.
  • Norway.
  • Germany.
  • Sweden.
  • Philippines. Distinct features and beautiful tans make women fall for Filipinos.
  • Brazil. Intense looks and athletic frames make Brazilian men extremely desirable.

Which country is #1 in education?


Which country is No 1 in world?

Canada is the No. 1 Country in the World, According to the 2021 Best Countries Report – News.

What is the most dangerous country in the world?


What is the baddest country?

The 17 countries with the worst quality of life in the world

  • Liberia — 45.07.
  • Madagascar — 45.91.
  • Mauritania — 46.08.
  • Mali — 46.24.
  • Nigeria — 46.49.
  • Cameroon — 47.22.
  • Mozambique — 47.96.
  • Ivory Coast — 48.97.

What country is the most free?

According to the rankings (out of 100), the most free countries in the world are Finland (100), Norway (100), Sweden (100), the Netherlands (99), Luxembourg (98), Uruguay (98) and Canada (98). The least free are Syria (0), Turkmenistan (2), Eritrea (2), South Sudan (2) and North Korea (3).

What is the most peaceful country on earth?


What country is #1 in quality of life?


What is the happiest country in the world?

The 10 Happiest Countries in the World

  1. Finland. For the fourth year in a row, Finland is number one when it comes to happiness.
  2. Denmark. Denmark remained in the number two spot this year.
  3. Switzerland.
  4. Iceland.
  5. Netherlands.
  6. Norway.
  7. Sweden.
  8. Luxembourg.

What is the healthiest country in the world?


What is the best country to live in?

  • Canada. #1 in Quality of Life Rankings.
  • Denmark. #2 in Quality of Life Rankings.
  • Sweden. #3 in Quality of Life Rankings.
  • Norway. #4 in Quality of Life Rankings.
  • Switzerland. #5 in Quality of Life Rankings.
  • Australia. #6 in Quality of Life Rankings.
  • Netherlands. #7 in Quality of Life Rankings.
  • Finland. #8 in Quality of Life Rankings.

What is the cheapest and safest place to live in the world?

Malaysia. When you mix together a low cost of living, a low crime rate, friendly people, and a warm climate, you’ll see why Malaysia meets many people’s expectations as the cheapest and safest place to live in the world.

Which country has the most job opportunities for foreigners 2020?

The World’s Best Countries In Which To Start A Career, 2020

Rank Country Opportunities
1 United Kingdom 99.06
2 Germany 98.13
3 Canada 96.75
4 United States 96.53

What is the best country to live in financially?

Best countries in the world to live and work

Rank Country Property Price to Income Ratio
1 Switzerland 8.68
2 Denmark 7.45
3 Iceland 6.74
4 Norway 8.77

Is there a word longer than Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?

Is there a word longer than Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?

The longest words in the dictionary are: antidisestablishmentarianism – opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England – 28 letters. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis – a supposed lung disease – 45 letters.

What is the longest word in the English dictionary 2020?


What word is 189 819 letters long?

The word is 189,819 letters long. It’s actually the name of a giant protein called Titin. Proteins are usually named by mashing-up the names of the chemicals making them. And since Titin is the largest protein ever discovered, its name had to be equally as large.

Is the Y in boy a vowel?

the Y is after a vowel at the end of a word. (diphthong = a sound formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable): play, day, chimney, monkey, boy, annoy.

Why is Y only a vowel sometimes?

The letter Y is sometimes considered a vowel because it can sound like the vowel letters A, E, or I depending on the letters around it or whether the letter Y is at the middle or end of a word. Click on the following links to hear the different sounds for the letter Y.

Why does the Y sound like an E?

The “y” can be a consonant or a vowel. The consonant sound of “y” is /y/ as in the word “yellow”. Typically at the beginning of the word the “y” makes the consonant /y/ sound. Typically, in a two syllable word, the “y” at the end of the word makes a long “e” sound as in baby and city.

How do you pronounce the before a vowel?

Normally, we pronounce the with a short sound (like “thuh”). But when the comes before a vowel sound, we pronounce it as a long “thee”. When we wish to place emphasis on a particular word, we can use “emphatic the” [thee], whether or not the word begins with a consonant or vowel sound.

How does Nike pronounce Nike?

It’s pretty simple actually. The company was named after the ancient Greek goddess of victory, Nike, which is pronounced ni-key, reports Business Insider. So, there you have it. You can ditch the stress of how to properly pronounce Nike.

How do you pronounce GIF?

“It’s pronounced JIF, not GIF.” Just like the peanut butter. “The Oxford English Dictionary accepts both pronunciations,” Wilhite told The New York Times.

How do you pronounce Tzuyu?

Originally Answered: How do I pronounce ‘tzuyu’? It depends. Koreans don’t have a real “Z” sound, so it comes out as JU-WEE, spelled 쯔위. But in Chinese, as well as in English, it is pronounced ZU-WEE.

How is Louis Vuitton pronounced?

Using an English Pronunciation. Say “Louie.” If you’re going for the basic English pronunciation of “Louis Vuitton”, the first word is a piece of cake. All you need to do is say the male English name “Louie” (as in Louis C.K., Louis Armstrong, Louis XIV, and so on).

How do you pronounce LMAO?


  1. La-mao.
  2. I just say “laugh my ass off” in my head.
  3. El-em-ai-oh.
  4. Another option not listed here.

What is the fear of not being liked called?

Autophobia, also called monophobia, isolophobia, or eremophobia, is the specific phobia of isolation; a morbid fear of being egotistical, or a dread of being alone or isolated. Sufferers need not be physically alone, but just to believe that they are ignored or unloved.

Is there a phobia of kissing?

Philemaphobia, or philematophobia, the fear of kissing, is common among young and inexperienced kissers who are afraid of doing something wrong. In these cases, the fear is generally mild to moderate and dissipates quickly as the person gains experience.

What is the fear of night called?

Nyctophobia is an extreme fear of night or darkness that can cause intense symptoms of anxiety and depression. A fear becomes a phobia when it’s excessive, irrational, or impacts your day-to-day life. Being afraid of the dark often starts in childhood and is viewed as a normal part of development.

Why do guys shake when they get turned on?

However it isn’t to do with energy exerted during sex but rather the build-up of adrenaline during climax. When we orgasm, tension builds around our muscles, and so when sex is over and the tension is released, it can trigger cramping, shaking or contractions can occur.

Do I have Glossophobia?

Symptoms of Glossophobia Dry mouth. A stiffening of the upper back muscles. Nausea and a feeling of panic when faced with having to speak in public. Intense anxiety at the thought of speaking in front of a group.

Can a teacher force you to do a presentation?

Yes, your teacher can ‘force’ you to do a presentation, and if you refuse (or conveniently ‘forget’ to tell her that you ‘weren’t able to come to school’) she can give you a failing grade for the course. Keep in mind that that reason she is having you do a public presentation is to help you overcome your anxiety.

What causes lazy tongue?

Dysarthria often causes slurred or slow speech that can be difficult to understand. Common causes of dysarthria include nervous system disorders and conditions that cause facial paralysis or tongue or throat muscle weakness. Certain medications also can cause dysarthria.

Is Glossophobia genetic?

The exact cause of glossophobia is still unclear. However, genetic factors often play a huge role. Like many other phobias, glossophobia is more common in people who carry the corresponding characteristic from their families.

What fear are we born with?

Here the scientists have found that humans are born with the fear of falling.

How do you speak in public?

  1. 21 Things You Need to Do to Speak in Public Without Fear.
  2. Know why you’re talking.
  3. Talk about what you know.
  4. Find what you know that others generally don’t.
  5. A talk is writing, only more relaxed.
  6. Prepare.
  7. Actually talk to people.
  8. Think about questions people might have.