Is voraciously a word?

Is voraciously a word?

Meaning of voraciously in English. in a way that is very eager to have a lot of something: He read voraciously to learn about ideas that interested him.

What does voraciously mean?

1 : having a huge appetite : ravenous. 2 : excessively eager : insatiable a voracious reader.

What does voracious mean in a sentence?

very eager for something, especially a lot of food: He has a voracious appetite (= he eats a lot).

Is voracious a negative word?

Voracious Definition and Meaning with Examples It can be used to describe a person, action or behavior which is ravenous, gluttonous or uncontrollable. Voracious suggests enthusiasm or keenness when it is used in the context of reading. The word can have a negative or positive connotation, depending on how it is used.

What is opposite of voracious?

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms voracious. Antonyms: epicurean, squeamish, fastidious, delicate, dainty, nice. Synonyms: hungry, absorbent, ravenous, rapacious, insatiate, omnivorous, gormandizing.

What does Verocity mean?

1 : conformity with truth or fact : accuracy. 2 : devotion to the truth : truthfulness.

Are there age differences on identifying emotions?

There was no overall age effect on emotion identification, but a significant interaction was found such that older participants were worse at identifying sadness but better at identifying happiness compared with younger participants.

How does social disengagement theory affect emotional development?

Disengagement theory, which dominated the study of social aging for decades, maintained that as people reach old age, they become emotionally distanced and detached from loved ones in symbolic preparation for death.

Why is the disengagement theory important?

The theory claims that it is natural and acceptable for older adults to withdraw from society. Disengagement theory was formulated by Cumming and Henry in 1961 in the book Growing Old and was the first theory of aging that social scientists developed. Thus, the theory has historical significance in gerontology.

How does the disengagement theory affect a person’s development?

The disengagement theory states that as people age, their withdrawal from society is normal and desirable as it relieves them of responsibilities and roles that have become difficult. This process also opens up opportunities for younger people; society benefits as more‐energetic young people fill the vacated positions.

How does Ageing affect a person emotionally?

There is evidence that some natural body changes associated with aging may increase a person’s risk of experiencing depression. Recent studies suggest that lower concentrations of folate in the blood and nervous system may contribute to depression, mental impairment, and dementia.

What mental changes occur as we age?

In short, cognitive aging means that as we get older, our mental functions become less nimble and flexible, and many aspects of our memory get a little worse. We also become more easily distracted by busy environments, and it takes more effort to work through complex problems and decisions.

What are the physical and mental changes as we age?

As we age, our bones shrink in size and density. Some people actually become shorter! Others are more prone to fractures because of bone loss. Muscles, tendons, and joints may lose strength and flexibility. Exercise is a great way to slow or prevent the problems with bones, muscles and joints.

Which part of your body ages the most rapidly?
