Should Monday Night Football be capitalized?

Should Monday Night Football be capitalized?

“monday night football game” should be capitalized because it’s the name of the football game &’ the names of the football teams should always be capital.

Should Denver Broncos be capitalized in a sentence?

Capitalize the names of teams and organizations. The Denver Broncos are part of the American Football Conference. Capitalize the names of events and periods in history.

Did you hear the Denver Broncos won the?

Answer. The correct sentence is “Did you hear the Denver Broncos won the Monday Night Football game? The poor Kansas City Chiefs can never catch a break.” The proper nouns in the sentence are “Denver” , “Broncos” , “Monday NIght Football ” , “Kansas City Chiefs”.

Which sentence is capitalized correctly?

The first word of a sentence should be in a capital letter. The names and other proper nouns should be written in the capital letter. Capitalized word is not used usually after a semi-colon. The first word of a quotation should be capitalized.

Which sentence is capitalized correctly on a cloudless night?

On a cloudless night, I studied Pisces, a constellation in the North sky. Explanation: Because, ‘Pisces’ is a noun. So, noun will be always first capital letter.

Which sentence is capitalized correctly we are going to be leaving soon?

The sentence that is capitalized corrected is “We are going to be leaving soon,” he said, “so get your shoes on.” Option D is correct. The word “we” should be capitalized since it marks the beginning of the sentence.

Which sentence is capitalized correctly I learned that Thor?

The following sentence is capitalized correctly : I learned that Thor is the god of thunder when I read a book about myths from Norway. In this particular sentence, ‘I’ is capitalized because it is placed at the beginning of the sentence. ‘Thor’ and ‘Norway’ are capitalized because they are proper nouns.

Which sentence is capitalized correctly I walked home with Kate?

I walked home with Kate. It is the correct answer.

When a writer does not know who performed the action in a sentence?

When a writer does not know who performed the action in a sentence, the writer can still write a grammatically correct sentence by using the active voice. using the passive voice.

When a sentence uses blank the subject?

Answer Expert Verified. When a sentence uses THE ACTIVE VOICE, the subject of the sentence performs the action of the verb. In English language, there are basically two types of voices when it comes to sentence construction. These are active voice and passive voice.

What best describes the contrast between the narrative structures of version 1 and version 2?

What best describes the contrast between the narrative structures of Version 1 and Version 2? Version 1 uses chronological order, building up to the action. Version 2 starts with the conclusion to make readers curious about the beginning.

Which sentence should be added at the beginning of this paragraph to introduce the writers point?

Answer Expert Verified It is called the Thesis Statement. The Thesis Statement includes the main idea of the question and depending on what is being written, reasons about the answer.

Which narrative element would most effectively increase the readers understanding?

Answer: The detailed description of sound, smell and sights which were used to tell the story are the narrative elements that has effectively increased the readers understanding of the tranquility, Yashmin describes.

What other theme is addressed in the excerpt Gilgamesh?


How does Spencer’s use of chronological order?

How does Spencer’s use of chronological order affect the plot of his narrative? ~Readers are able to understand the conflict more easily because Spencer reveals what is bothering him at the very beginning of the story.

What should a reflection do in a narrative essay?

In a narrative essay, a reflection should do the following:

  • Analyze the experience the story is about.
  • Make it clear how valuable the experience is for the writer.
  • Show how a certain event has influenced other aspects of the writer’s life.
  • Add some useful information about the characters.

How can a writer best highlight the qualities of the subject in a personal narrative?

How can a writer best highlight the qualities of the subject in a personal narrative? Introduce the subject’s qualities with background information. Name the subject’s qualities using descriptive words as labels. Demonstrate the subject’s qualities with strong examples.

What is the best point of you for your narrative about overcoming a challenge?

Explanation: If your narrative discusses a challenge that you overcame, it would be best to use a first-person point of view. This is because it makes the writing seem more personal.

Which is one characteristic of meeting Julia that makes it a personal narrative Brainly?

Which is one characteristic of “Meeting Julia” that makes it a personal narrative? It focuses on a story about one person. It is told from one character’s point of view.

What makes a story a personal narrative?

What is a Personal Narrative? A Personal Narrative is a form of writing in which the writer relates to an event, incident, or experience in his or her own life. The personal narrative incorporates vivid descriptive details as well as the thoughts, feelings, and reactions of the writer.

Why does the author include information about the narrator’s fear of heights at the beginning of the story?

Why does the author include information about the narrator’s fear of heights at the beginning of the story? It foreshadows the event in the story in which the narrator overcomes her fear.

Why does the author include Jessie’s accident in the narrative?

Why does the author include Jessie’s accident in the narrative? It forces the narrator to accept responsibility for the. safety of others.