Top 5 Spanish Learning Podcasts (Plus 1 Bonus FREE Podcast!)

Spanish learning podcasts can be a great help in your language learning journey. They’re easy to listen to in the car, while walking the dog, or while vegging out on the couch, and unlike live media, podcasts can be replayed over and over until you grasp what they’re teaching.

These five podcasts are great for beginners and intermediate learners, as they have different levels and easily identify where your skills need to be to enjoy the episode.

News in Slow Spanish

News in Slow Spanish is exactly what it sounds like. The narrator reads news flashes in a slow, understandable Spanish that is designed to help you get accustomed to the words, tense, and conjugations used in everyday speech.

They offer three levels of difficulty (and speed) — G.U.T.S., which stands for Getting Up To Speed, the regular News In Slow Spanish, and Change of Pace, which is for advanced learners.

This podcast is by paid subscription, but think of it as a motivator — if you’re paying for the podcast you’re much more likely to actually listen to it.

By learning a language AND keeping up on current events you’re also doing two things at once — something certain to make you feel extra productive.

Coffee Break Spanish

Coffee Break Spanish takes one specific point of focus — say, the difference between how English speakers convey a certain expression and how it’s used in Spanish — and cover it in a time short enough for, you guessed it, a quick coffee break.

Episodes are usually about 10 minutes long and built around an interview or story. The show is broken into seasons, and is organized to help you slowly progress in basic understanding as you work through each one.

Study Spanish gets right down to business with its podcast. Episodes are titles based on exactly what is being covered — Possessive Adjectives, for example, or Plural Forms of Nouns.

You can binge this one or break it up into a schedule that works for you. It’s subscription-based — you must create an account and subscribe via the website — but once you’re in you have access to loads of podcasts and content.

Spanish Obsessed

Spanish Obsessed offers a number of different podcasts based around ability level and interests. You can start from the very beginning, focus on vocab, or work through intermediate and advanced-level lessons.

Episodes are straight-forward and actionable. Basic ability-based podcasts are free but you’ll have to pay to access the more specialized podcasts such as Vocabulary and Journey To Comprehension.

They’re story and lesson based, offering a good variety and presented in a way that doesn’t make the listener feel behind or unprepared. If you’re dedicated to learning Spanish, this is an excellent podcast to start with.

LightSpeed Spanish

LightSpeed Spanish offers the most comprehensive collection of free Spanish learning podcast episodes anywhere online. They tackle the foundations of the language and present them in an approachable, non-intimidating manner.

Lessons cover specific topics and dive in deep to help you master the material before the end of the episode, usually about ten minutes or so. You can listen to an audio-only version or watch a video, both available on the website, and moving from one to the next is a piece of cake. LightSpeed Spanish stands atop most Spanish learning podcasts in terms of addressing specific points and issues every learner needs to overcome.

And one more .  .  .

We’d be remiss to leave out our own Spanish learning podcast. Host Ray and a cast of soon-to-be familiar characters help you with one short mini-episode each day. Each episode covers a specific Spanish skill, whether it’s introducing your family members or buying a train ticket in a Latin American country.

Every m-episode is actionable and you’re guaranteed to learn something every time!

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