What are adjectives that start with L?

What are adjectives that start with L?

List of 50 Adjectives That Start With L

  • lackadaisical – showing absolutely no interest or enthusiasm.
  • lackluster – boring or without much energy; dull.
  • lacy – trimmed with or covered in lace; having a lace-like appearance.
  • ladylike – proper behavior, exhibiting manners suitable for a lady.

What is an adverb beginning with L?

laboriously, lackadaisically, laconically, lamely, lamentably, landward, landwards, langsyne, languidly, languorously, large, largely, largo, lasciviously, last, lastingly, lastly, late, lately, later, laterally, latterly, laudably, laughably, laughingly, lavishly, lawfully, lawlessly, laxly, lazily.

What nice word starts with L?

Positive Words That Start With L

Long-awaited Long-established Long-lasting
Loved Loved-up Loveliness
Lover Loves Lovesome
Loving Loving kindness Lovingly
Low-key Low-price Low-risk

What is the longest word that starts with L?

14-letter words that start with l

  • lateralization.
  • latitudinarian.
  • lignocellulose.
  • labyrinthodont.
  • labializations.
  • lachrymosities.
  • laryngoscopies.
  • laryngectomees.

What is a 5 letter word that starts with L?

5-letter words starting with L

laari laban
labia Labin
labis labor
labra laced
lacer laces

What is the L cuss word?

starting with the letter l. lameass – loser. lardass – overweight individual. lesbian – homosexual. lesbo – homosexual.

What is a 4 letter word starting with L?

4-letter words starting with L

lacs lacy
Lada lade
lads lady
laer LAEs

What starts with L and ends with E?

Words That Begin With ‘L’ And End With ‘E’

Rank Word Length
1 Laicize 7
2 Lozenge 7
3 Lionize 7
4 Lexeme 6

What is a 7 letter word that starts with L?

7 letter words that start with L

  • laagers.
  • labarum.
  • labeled.
  • labeler.
  • labella.
  • labials.
  • labiate.
  • lablabs.

What is a five letter word that starts with L and ends with E?

five letter words beginning with l and ending in e

  • ladle.
  • lance.
  • lande.
  • lapje.
  • lapse.
  • laree.
  • large.
  • lathe.

What 4 letter word starts with L and ends with E?

four letter words that start with the letter l and that end in e

  • lace.
  • lade.
  • lake.
  • lame.
  • lane.
  • lare.
  • lase.
  • late.

What is the E with a line over it?

The macron (the line above the second “e”) shows how the word is pronounced, and identifies it as a fifth- If “ē” is a pronunciation symbol in an English-language dictionary, it almost certainly represents the sound of “ee” in “tree”. International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbol / i /.

What are some words that start with the letter E?

  • eager.
  • eagle.
  • eagre.
  • eared.
  • earls.
  • early.
  • earns.
  • earth.

What word begins with E but only has one letter?


What is a 6 letter word that starts with E?

6 letter words that start with E

  • eagers.
  • eagled.
  • eagles.
  • eaglet.
  • eagres.
  • earbob.
  • earbud.
  • earful.

Whats a positive word that starts with E?

50 Commonly Used Positive Words

Word Part of Speech Definition
easygoing adjective someone or something that is relaxed
ebullient adjective someone in high spirits
economical adjective something cost-effective that is of good value
ecstasy noun a feeling of intense joy

How do you describe someone with the letter E?

Enthralling exciting; charming; capturing interest. Enthusiastic motivated; zealous; excited; interested. Enticing charming; attracting; alluring. Entrancing charming; hypnotic; enthralling.

What is an adjective that starts with E?

Take a look at several excellent adjectives that start with E.

  • eager – pleasantly expectant.
  • earnest – honest and sincere.
  • easy-going – flexible, relaxed.
  • ebullient – bubbling with excitement.
  • effervescent – someone who’s enthusiastic and vivacious.
  • efficacious – capable of producing a desired effect.
  • elated – extremely happy.

What is a verb that starts with E?

English Verbs Starting with E

Verb Simple Past Past Participle
to edit edited edited
to educate educated educated
to efface effaced effaced
to effect effected effected

What is a 6 letter word?

6-letter words

  • abroad.
  • accept.
  • access.
  • across.
  • acting.
  • action.
  • active.
  • actual.

What is a 6 letter word that starts with S?

6-letter words starting with S

Saadhs Saamis
Saddar sadded
sadden sadder
saddhu saddle
saddos Sadean

What’s a 7 letter word that starts with S?

7-letter words starting with S

Saadian Saanens
sacella sachems
sachets sackage
sackbut sackers
sackful sacking

What is a good word that starts with S?

List of Positive Words That Start With S

Sacrifice Safe Secure
Sapling Sardar Sassy
Sate Satiable Satiate
Satiation Satiety Satisfaction
Satisfactorily Satisfactoriness Satisfactory

How do you describe someone with the letter S?

Adjectives Starting with S to Describe a Person

  • sad.
  • sadistic.
  • safe.
  • saintly.
  • sallow.
  • same.
  • samoan.
  • sanguine.

What are the words that start with letter S?

  • sacrifice (noun)
  • sacrifice (verb)
  • sad (adjective)
  • sadness.
  • safe (adjective)
  • safety (noun)
  • sail (noun)
  • sail (verb)

What is a 3 letter word starting with S?

3-letter words starting with S

SAA sab
sac sad
sae sag
sai saj
sal sam

What is a 8 letter word that starts with S?

8-letter words starting with S

Saadians Saaremaa
Saccones saccoses
saccular saccules
sacculus sacellum
sachemic sacheted

What are adjectives that start with L?

What are adjectives that start with L?

List of 50 Adjectives That Start With L

  • lackadaisical – showing absolutely no interest or enthusiasm.
  • lackluster – boring or without much energy; dull.
  • lacy – trimmed with or covered in lace; having a lace-like appearance.
  • ladylike – proper behavior, exhibiting manners suitable for a lady.

What is a positive adjective that starts with L?

Lively list of positive adjectives starting with L. Ladylike characteristic of a lady or woman; well-bred. Laid-back relaxed and unhurried; easy-going. Lambent softly brilliant, bright or radiant; flickering softly and lightly on or over a surface; having a gentle glow (especially without heat); luminous; twinkling.

Do you speak in English French?

If you want to say “Do you speak English?” in French, you have two options. The first is the formal/polite version, “*Parlez-vous anglais ?” The other is the more relaxed informal phrasing, “Parles-tu anglais ?*

Is Duo American in French duolingo?

Normally in french we exchange pronoun and verb only. But in fact, in many cases, the pronoun is itself the subject. But not in “Is Duo american?”. Here, you cannot say in french “Est Duo américain?”, because Duo is not a pronoun.

Is duolingo good for French?

Duolingo is good to get the flavor of the French language, the basics of French grammar, and about 2,000–3,000 words of vocabulary. It must be complemented with other resources because you won’t speak easily, polish your accent, produce your own sentences and understand conversations without them.

What does Americain mean?

: in the American manner : of the American kind.

Do you love learning French in French duolingo?

I love learning French with Duolingo. It is fun and so much more accessible than books and paper. Technology allows me to learn where and when I want to. I hear how the words and sentences are pronounced, I see the spelling, I feel that I am making progress.

What is the feminine form of Americain?

Adjective. american m (feminine singular americana, masculine plural americani, feminine plural americane)

What is the feminine form of content?

content (feminine singular contente, masculine plural contents, feminine plural contentes)

What is the feminine of lazy in French?
