What are cons of stem cell research?

What are cons of stem cell research?


  • Limitations on ASC ability to differentiate are still uncertain; currently thought to be multi or unipotent.
  • Cannot be grown for long periods of time in culture.
  • Usually a very small number in each tissue making them difficult to find and purify.

What are pros of stem cell research?

Benefits of Stem Cell Research

  • They can develop into any cell type in the body.
  • They can form unlimited quantities of any cell type in the body.
  • They will help us understand inherited diseases by allowing us to study human cells bearing the exact genetic defects that cause disease in patients.

What are the benefits and issues of stem cell research?

Pros. Embryonic stem cells are thought by most scientists and researchers to hold potential cures for spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, hundreds of rare immune system and genetic disorders and much more.

What are 3 potential issues with stem cell research?

Table 1

Phase of research Ethical issues
1. Payment to oocyte donors
2. Medical risks of oocyte retrieval
3. Protecting reproductive interests of women in infertility treatment
Use of stem cell lines derived at another institution Conflicting legal and ethical standards

What are advantages and disadvantages of stem cells?

Table 1

Stem cell type Limitations Advantages
Embryonic stem cells (1) Ethical dilemmas (2) Possible immune rejection after implantation (3) Only a small number of differentiated cardiomyoctes can be generated (4) May lead to teratocarcinomas (5) Genetic instability Can differentiate into cells of all three germ layers

Why is stem cell research morally wrong?

However, human embryonic stem cell (HESC) research is unethical since it results in the destruction of human life for research purposes. HESC research is morally wrong since it is the direct destruction of innocent human life and does not benefit the individual embryo undergoing the research (3).

Is stem cell research good or bad?

Researchers hope stem cells will one day be effective in the treatment of many medical conditions and diseases. But unproven stem cell treatments can be unsafe—so get all of the facts if you’re considering any treatment. Some unscrupulous providers offer stem cell products that are both unapproved and unproven.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of stem cells?

Why is stem cell research unethical?

Opponents argue that the research is unethical, because deriving the stem cells destroys the blastocyst, an unimplanted human embryo at the sixth to eighth day of development. As Bush declared when he vetoed last year’s stem cell bill, the federal government should not support “the taking of innocent human life.”

What are disadvantages of stem cells?

What Are the Disadvantages of Stem Cell Research?

  • Embryonic stem cells can have high rejection rates.
  • Adult stem cells have a determined cell type.
  • Obtaining any form of stem cell is a difficult process.
  • Stem cell treatments are an unproven commodity.
  • Stem cell research is a costly process.

What are the cons against stem cell research?

The cons of stem cell research are the use of stem cells and the ethical issues associated with using embryos to harvest cells for research. Another disadvantage of stem cell research is the idea that we as humans are on the verge of playing God by creating life.

What are the positive effects of stem cell research?

The positive outcomes of stem cell research are endless possibilities of curing a wide range of diseases processes and prolonging human life. The use of stem cells has been proven to replenish muscle and organ tissue in humans. Research has shown that the use of stem cells to treat Parkinson ’s…

What are the arguments for and against stem cell research?

The argument against the use of stem cells in research from an aborted embryo or an embryo created in a lab setting is that it harms one human life in an effort to save another human life. It is the potential for human life and the beliefs regarding the humanity of the embryo that raise moral arguments.

What are the disadvantages to stem cell research?

What Are the Disadvantages of Stem Cell Research? Embryonic stem cells can have high rejection rates. Embryonic stem cell therapies have been known to create several future health problems. Adult stem cells have a determined cell type. Without iPS reprogramming, adult stem cells have a determined cell type. Obtaining any form of stem cell is a difficult process.