What are different ways to say hello?

What are different ways to say hello?

other words for hello

  • greetings.
  • hi.
  • howdy.
  • welcome.
  • bonjour.
  • buenas noches.
  • buenos dias.
  • good day.

Is it correct to say hi all?

“Hi all” is not incorrect. It is a common enough greeting used by many native English speakers in addition to the other one. “Hi all” may sound incorrect to some people perhaps because they’ve been taught to regard it as incorrect — as is mostly the case in Asia.

Is it rude to say hi both?

Keep it safe when starting professional emails, stick to a ‘Hi [name]’, or ‘Hello [name],’ or ‘Hi both,’ Hi all’, if there’s more than one person in the email. It doesn’t need to be fancy. A simple, “Hello” should work.

Is it Hi dear or hi there?

So one might say ‘Hello dear’ or ‘Hello darling’ but probably not ‘Hi dear’ Hi there is a nice greeting, it has a little more enthusiasm and energy than just ‘hi’. You can tell that it might have been a greeting in person, maybe with a wave. ‘Hi there’ is a greeting, with a little of the same exhuberance.

Is Hi unprofessional?

Overly informal greetings When in doubt, shoot for more formal than less, because the email recipient can always adjust the tone as he or she sees fit. Pachter says, “Hey is a very informal salutation, and generally it should not be used in the workplace. Use Hi and Hello instead.”

Is it rude to start an email with hi?

Though many people now see “Dear” as outmoded, it is a failsafe fall-back, and “Hello,” followed by the person’s name, is also acceptable. “Hi,” followed by the person’s name, has been on the rise for some time, and is considered standard in many situations.

Is Hi a formal greeting?

In brief: 1. Hello is a word for greeting and is considered appropriately used in formal situations. Hi is also a word for greeting however it is informal or casual. This should not be used in formal settings and should only be used if addressing friends and equals.