What are one syllable words examples?

What are one syllable words examples?

Examples of Syllables: One-syllable words known as monosyllabic: Cat, dog, car, sky. Two-syllable words known as disyllabic: Ho-tel, Po-em, Chor-us.

What are some 4 syllable words?

4 syllable Words.

ability accommodate accompany
anticipate anxiety application
appreciate architecture associate
authority autonomy calculation
capacity capitalism casualty

What is a 10 syllable word?

Decasyllable (Italian: decasillabo, French: décasyllabe, Serbian: десетерац, deseterac) is a poetic meter of ten syllables used in poetic traditions of syllabic verse. In languages with a stress accent (accentual verse), it is the equivalent of pentameter with iambs or trochees (particularly iambic pentameter).

What is the first syllable?

The first syllable of a word is the initial syllable and the last syllable is the final syllable.

Is beauty a 2 syllable word?

Wondering why beauty is 2 syllables? Contact Us!

How many syllables are in intelligent?

4 syllables

How many syllables is smart?

1 syllable

How many syllables has creative?

3 syllables

How many syllables are in sorry?

2 syllables

Is smart one syllable a word?

Nevertheless, Tom still thinks he’s smarter.” “Smart” has one syllable, so it gets an “-er” or “-est.” “Intelligent” has four syllables, so it is modified with either “more/most” or “less/least.”

What’s another word for smart?

What is another word for smart?

bright intelligent
astute clever
sharp wise
brainy brilliant
precocious savvy

How many syllables are there Carlos very smart?

Wondering why Carlos is 2 syllables?

How many syllables does small have?

How many syllables are in there?

How many syllables are in green?

How many syllables does house have?

Does home have 2 syllables?

Wondering why home is 1 syllable?

Are house two syllables?

Wondering why houses is 2 syllables? Contact Us! We’ll explain.

How many syllables is in fish?

How many syllables is dog?

How many syllables are in Snowflake?

How many syllables are in broccoli?