What are some words that start with the prefix under?

What are some words that start with the prefix under?

For example, underground means beneath the ground. Underdeveloped means not developed enough. In this lesson, we will build our vocabulary base with words that start with the prefix under . We will look at words like undertake , understudy , undergo , underachieve , understate , and more.

What are three words that start with under?

  • Underacts.
  • Underaged.
  • Underages.
  • Underarms.
  • Underbake.
  • Underbids.
  • Underbite.
  • Underbody.

What ends with under?

7-letter words that end in under

  • founder.
  • thunder.
  • blunder.
  • plunder.
  • rounder.
  • sounder.
  • launder.
  • asunder.

Is underappreciated a word?

I’ve always written “underappreciated” as one word, but as I’m typing this, my browser spell-check is trying to correct it to “under appreciated” (with the second suggestion being “under-appreciated” with a hyphen). My phone’s auto-correct also changes it to “under appreciated” (no hyphen).

What words have over in it?

13 letter words containing over

  • controversial.
  • overabundance.
  • unrecoverable.
  • overemphasize.
  • overconfident.
  • irrecoverable.
  • oversensitive.
  • overqualified.

What is the meaning of over word?

: a word or phrase repeated or said over (as in a song) : burden, refrain. overword. transitive verb. Definition of overword (Entry 2 of 2) : to compose with an excess of words : write too wordily many of the poems seem to come out overworded— John Ciardi.

What words end with ove?

8-letter words that end in ove

  • disprove.
  • mangrove.
  • foxglove.
  • truelove.
  • ladylove.
  • ringdove.
  • nosedove.
  • overlove.

What words start with extra?

10-letter words that start with extra

  • extraction.
  • extraneous.
  • extractive.
  • extramural.
  • extralegal.
  • extracting.
  • extractors.
  • extradited.

What are words with the root extra?

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

  • extra: “outside” what is considered to be a normal amount of something.
  • extraordinary: “outside” the ordinary.
  • extra credit: “outside” credit.
  • extracurricular: “outside” the general curriculum of a school.
  • extrasensory: of being “outside” the five senses.

What is a word that starts with DE?

14-letter words that start with de

  • deconstruction.
  • detoxification.
  • decompensation.
  • defenestration.
  • depigmentation.
  • destructionist.
  • demisemiquaver.
  • dextrorotatory.

What is the word de?

The English prefix de-, which means “off” or “from,” appears in hundreds of English vocabulary words, such as dejected, deduce, and deficient. You can remember that the prefix de- means “from” or “off” via the word descend, or to climb down “from” or “off” a height, such as a mountain.

Which word starts with DE and ends with St?

seven letter words that begin with de and ending with st

  • deadest.
  • deafest.
  • dearest.
  • deedest.
  • deepest.
  • deffest.
  • defrost.
  • deftest.

What is it called to break down a word?

Frequently Asked Questions About break down The words analyze and dissect are common synonyms of break down. While all three words mean “to divide a complex whole into its parts or elements,” break down implies a reducing to simpler parts or divisions.

What are the four types of word parts?

Those word parts are prefix , word root , suffix , and combining form vowel .

What are two syllable words called?

Similar terms include disyllable (and disyllabic; also bisyllable and bisyllabic) for a word of two syllables; trisyllable (and trisyllabic) for a word of three syllables; and polysyllable (and polysyllabic), which may refer either to a word of more than three syllables or to any word of more than one syllable.

Is very a two-syllable word?

‘Very’ is a two-syllable word with stress on the first syllable. Ver-y, ver-y, very, very.

What is a 3 syllable word?

Three Syllable Words

  • Adequate.
  • Amazement.
  • Attention.
  • Attractive.
  • Average.
  • Banana.
  • Bicycle.
  • Blindingly.

Is distinguished is a Trisyllabic word?

The word distinguished is phonetically transcribed as- |dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃt|. There are three syllables. So it is a trisyllabic word.

What is a 5 syllable word?

What are good 5 syllable words? Good words with 5 syllables include: conformational, obligatory, accelerating, paradoxical, unconventional and Hippopotamus.

What is the shortest 5 syllable word?

Oceania, oogonia, and oxyopia, each seven letters long, are the shortest five syllable English words.

What is a 6 syllable word?

Category:English 6-syllable words

  • intuitivity.
  • respectability.
  • supraclavicular.
  • pterygopalatine.
  • thyrohyoidei.
  • stylopharyngei.
  • stylohyoidei.
  • sternothyroidei.

What is a 9 syllable word?

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. it’s name for a disease and it has more than 9 syllables. 9th September 2007. Saeed Junior.

What is a 10 syllable word?

Decasyllable (Italian: decasillabo, French: décasyllabe, Serbian: десетерац, deseterac) is a poetic meter of ten syllables used in poetic traditions of syllabic verse. In languages with a stress accent (accentual verse), it is the equivalent of pentameter with iambs or trochees (particularly iambic pentameter).

What is the longest word with one syllable?
