What are some words with the suffix ing?

What are some words with the suffix ing?

Pages in category “English words suffixed with -ing”

  • abearing.
  • abhorring.
  • abiding.
  • ablins.
  • aboding.
  • absorbing.
  • abutting.
  • abying.

What’s a word that ends in ing?

Study the word list: words ending in ing

learning He has a very good attitude towards learning.
jogging Jogging is a good way to exercise.
sitting An hour spent sitting and doing nothing is an eternity to a three-year-old. *
walking Bad luck from walking under ladders is a superstition. *

Why do we use ing?

-ing is a suffix used to make one of the inflected forms of English verbs. This verb form is used as a present participle, as a gerund, and sometimes as an independent noun or adjective. The suffix is also found in certain words like morning and ceiling, and in names such as Browning.

What is the longest word that ends with ING?

16-letter words that end in ing

  • misunderstanding.
  • undiscriminating.
  • microprogramming.
  • narcotrafficking.
  • indiscriminating.
  • phototypesetting.
  • nonparticipating.
  • nonmanufacturing.

What is the longest real word?


What does Floccinaucinihilipilification mean?

The Oxford Dictionary defines ‘floccinaucinihilipilification’ as “the action or habit of estimating something as worthless”. Ghate is not the first to use ‘floccinaucinihilipilification’ in recent times.

What is a person who loves beauty called?

countable noun. An aesthete is someone who loves and appreciates works of art and beautiful things.

What is a Discophile?

: one who studies and collects phonograph records or CDs.

What does Hippophile mean?

one who loves horses.

How do you use Kakorrhaphiophobia in a sentence?

Example sentences “She suffered an extreme case of Kakorrhaphiophobia.”

What is Xertz?

Pronounced ‘zerts’, it means ‘to gulp something down quickly and/or in a greedy fashion’. In most cases, it is used to describe drinking, but it may also describe someone eating quickly. Example sentence: “As soon as I finished the half marathon I needed to xertz a bottle of water.”

Is Kakorrhaphiophobia common?

Because of their fear, many patients choose to live in total isolation. Serious kakorrhaphiophobia is rare, but we think it’s fair to say that living in today’s competitive society can make us a little kakorrhaphiophobic at times.

How do I know if I have Kakorrhaphiophobia?

Kakorrhaphiophobia is the intense fear of failure. Those exhibiting this phobia may suffer from very low self-esteem and may find themselves to be very anxious. Their anxiety may be paralyzing to the point to where they are unable to challenge themselves even slightly as they are extremely fearful that they will fail.