What are synonyms for insensitive?

What are synonyms for insensitive?

adj.indifferent, callous. adj.numb.

What is the meaning of insensitive?

1 : lacking feeling : not sensitive He’s insensitive to pain. 2 : not caring or showing concern about the problems or feelings of others an insensitive remark. Other Words from insensitive.

Which word provides a clue to the meaning of jubilant?


How did colonist respond to the Townsend Acts?

The Townshend Acts would use the revenue raised by the duties to pay the salaries of colonial governors and judges, ensuring the loyalty of America’s governmental officials to the British Crown. However, these policies prompted colonists to take action by boycotting British goods.

Why did the colonists not like the Townshend Acts?

The colonists protested, “no taxation without representation,” arguing that the British Parliament did not have the right to tax them because they lacked representation in the legislative body. Colonists organized boycotts of British goods to pressure Parliament to repeal the Townshend Acts.

What was the most hated tax act by the colonists?

Stamp Act

What is the cause and effect of the Townshend Act?

The Townshend Acts also caused a tax for glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea. Cause: Britain still needed money, but they needed a way to tax the colonies “without offense.” Effect: The colonists boycotted British goods again. Effect: Once again angered the colonists.

How did the Stamp Act lead to the Townshend Act?

In 1767, a year after the repeal of the Stamp Act, Parliament approved another revenue raising taxation in the colonies, the Townshend Acts. Because duties and import procedures were so overwhelming for trading businesses they avoided paying taxes by smuggling goods into the colony and so did Hancock. …

What did the Stamp Act do?

Stamp Act, (1765), in U.S. colonial history, first British parliamentary attempt to raise revenue through direct taxation of all colonial commercial and legal papers, newspapers, pamphlets, cards, almanacs, and dice.

How did the stamp act end?

After months of protest, and an appeal by Benjamin Franklin before the British House of Commons, Parliament voted to repeal the Stamp Act in March 1766. However, the same day, Parliament passed the Declaratory Acts, asserting that the British government had free and total legislative power over the colonies.

What was the repeal of the Stamp Act?

Declaratory Act. The Declaratory Act, passed by Parliament on the same day the Stamp Act was repealed, stated that Parliament could make laws binding the American colonies “in all cases whatsoever.”

Why did the stamp act anger the colonists?

All of the colonists were mad because they thought the British Parliament shouldn’t have the right to tax them. The colonists believed that the only people that should tax them should be their own legislature. And the taxes of the Stamps were only allowed to be paid in silver.

How long did the Stamp Act stay in effect for?

On March 18, 1766, exactly 250 years ago, after four months of widespread protest in America, the British Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, a taxation measure enacted to raise revenues for a standing British army in America.

Why was the Stamp Act bad for the colonists?

These taxes included the Stamp Act, passed in 1765, which required the use of special paper bearing an embossed tax stamp for all legal documents. They protested, saying that these taxes violated their rights as British citizens. The colonists started to resist by boycotting, or not buying, British goods.

Was the Stamp Act an unreasonable and unfair tax?

Yes, the Stamp Acts were a prime example of “taxation without representation” which lead to the Revolutionary War. The colonists had no say in the taxing, which made it very unfair. Explanation: The Stamp Act was enacted by the British Parliament on March 22, 1765.

How much did the Stamp Act tax?

Dice taxed at the rate of 10 shillings in 1765 would cost almost $54 in today’s dollar. Violating the Stamp Act was costly.

Did the UK own America?

British America comprised the colonial territories of the British Empire in America from 1607 to 1783. In addition, Britain ceded East and West Florida to the Kingdom of Spain, which in turn ceded them to the United States in 1821.

How many died in American Revolution?


What started the Revolutionary War in America?

What were the major causes of the American Revolution? The American Revolution was principally caused by colonial opposition to British attempts to impose greater control over the colonies and to make them repay the crown for its defense of them during the French and Indian War (1754–63).

What if the British Empire never fell?

The Empire did not fell, it just took its part in history and then what is inevitable happened. If the British empire never fell, there will be colonialism in the 21st century. In the scenario, nations that are once under British rule will not enjoy the benefits for leaving the British empire.

What was the largest empire in history?

The Mongol Empire

When did Britain rule the world?

16th Century

Does the British Empire still exist?

Little remains of British rule today across the globe, and it is mostly restricted to small island territories such as Bermuda and the Falkland Islands. However, a number of countries still have Queen Elizabeth as their head of state including New Zealand, Australia and Canada – a hangover of the Empire.

Which empire killed the most?

The Mongols

Is Canada still a British colony?

In 1982, it adopted its own constitution and became a completely independent country. Although it’s still part of the British Commonwealth—a constitutional monarchy that accepts the British monarch as its own. Elizabeth II is Queen of Canada.