What are the 10 worst college degrees?

What are the 10 worst college degrees?

10 worst majors by average unemployment

Major Unemployment rate
Anthropology 6%
Ethnic studies 5.9%
Computer science 5.2%
Political science 5.2%

What is the most regretted major?

5 most regretted college majors

  • English and foreign language. About 42% of survey respondents who had this major regretted their choice, ZipRecruiter found.
  • Biological and physical sciences.
  • Education.
  • Social sciences and law.
  • Communications.
  • Computer science/mathematics.
  • Business.
  • Engineering.

What is the most useful degree?

Saving money during and after college

Rank Declared degree Percent with advanced degree
1 Architectural Engineering 29%
2 Construction Services 12%
3 Computer Engineering 40%
4 Aerospace Engineering 51%

What is the weirdest major in college?

What Are Some Weird College Majors?

  1. The Science Of Decision. This major teaches students to be experts in quantitative methods of making thought-out decisions.
  2. Ethical Hacking.
  3. Adventure Education.
  4. Cannabis Cultivation.
  5. Psychic.
  6. Theme Park Technology.
  7. Astrobiology.
  8. Digital Mapping.

What is the stupidest college?

1. DeVry University. DeVry University is located in Illinois, and we’ve included it as the worst college in America for 2019 because of the fact that only 29 percent of students who enroll actually graduate.

What majors are the happiest?

Options abound, but the following are most likely to prompt happiness in your future professional pursuits:

  • Computer Science and Computer Information Systems.
  • Entrepreneurship.
  • Business Administration and Management.
  • Communication Disorders.

What major makes the most money?

College Majors with the Highest Starting Salaries

  • Computer Science. Technology is a major player when it comes to industries with the highest starting salaries.
  • Engineering.
  • Math and Sciences.
  • Social Sciences.
  • Humanities.
  • Business.
  • Communications.
  • Agriculture and Natural Resources.

What major is the most fun?

8 of the Most Enjoyable College Majors

  • Animation.
  • Viticulture and Enology.
  • Sexuality.
  • Pop Culture.
  • Costume Design.
  • Fermentation Sciences.
  • Jazz Studies.
  • Software Engineering.

What degree is the most fun?

30 fun majors

  • Fermentation sciences. Getting a Bachelor’s Degree in Fermentation Sciences prepares you for a career in the brewing industry.
  • Pop culture.
  • Viticulture.
  • Auctioneering.
  • 5. Entertainment design.
  • Golf course management.
  • Costume technology.
  • Professional scuba diving.

What are the top 5 majors?

Top 10 College Majors

  1. Computer Science.
  2. Communications.
  3. Government/Political Science.
  4. Business.
  5. Economics.
  6. English Language and Literature.
  7. Psychology.
  8. Nursing.

Which is the most useless major in college?

20 Most Useless Degrees. 1 Advertising. If you’re an advertising major, you may hope to get into digital marketing, e-commerce, or sports marketing. What many advertising majors 2 Anthropology And Archeology. 3 Art history. 4 Communications. 5 Computer Science.

What’s the worst degree to get to make money?

These are the 15 most worthless degrees when it comes to making money, according to salary data from Payscale and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Most are two-year associate’s degrees, but some four-year bachelor’s degrees are just as bad.

What can you do with a useless degree?

The good news is that even if you have a degree that is currently considered useless, there are many alternative courses that you can attend and get a specialization within a few months, including the bootcamps and workshops.

Is it possible to get useless degree in communications?

Communications is a broad field and not all of them are considered useless, at least not in their entirety. Nevertheless, most of the skills required to get a good communications gig can be found in a great variety of more popular degree paths, as well as small specialization courses.