What are the 3 aspects of characterization?

What are the 3 aspects of characterization?

• Actions, speech, and behavior How does the character behave?

What are the five Characterisation skills in drama?

When creating characters you need to consider the following:

  • Voice: Does your character have an accent?
  • Body language: This is what your character’s movements and way of using their body says about them.
  • Facial expression: Does your character move their face a lot?

How can I improve my drama skills?

5 ways to improve your acting skills

  1. Establish a morning routine. It doesn’t have to be long, just 30 minutes!
  2. Observe. Acting requires us to look inside and see what we are made of, but we must become good observers of the outside, of humans and human nature.
  3. Be You.
  4. Be Present.
  5. Find Your Own Voice.

What is Characterisation technique?

Definition. Characterization and analytical techniques are methods used to identify, isolate or quantify chemicals or materials, or to characterize their physical properties.

What are the four expressive skills in drama?

I have combined a topic on the style of realism with the actors use of the four basic expressive skills (voice, movement, facial expressions and gesture) in Drama.

What are the four performance skills?

4 Performance skills

  • focus;
  • projection;
  • musicality;
  • timing;
  • emphasis;
  • expression.

What are the expressive skills in drama?

Expressive skills are used to express and realise a character. Expressive skills may be used in different ways in different performance styles. They include: • Voice, for example diction, pitch, pace, tone, resonance, muscularity and vocal sounds. Movement, for example gait, posture and stance.

What are expressive skills in dance?

The ability to make the unique qualities of the accompaniment evident in performance. Awareness of and connection to other dancers. Making the dance idea clear through appropriate movement content and interpretative skills- focus, projection, characterisaton.

What are the qualities of a good dancer?

5 Traits that Make a Great Dancer

  • Motivation & Determination. What motivates you?
  • Discipline. Practice makes perfect and there’s really no way around it.
  • Ability to Focus. Another essential trait that makes a great dancer is the ability to really focus.
  • Spatial Awareness.
  • Enthusiasm.

What are the skills in dancing?


  • a thorough knowledge of dance and its related issues.
  • physical fitness, stamina and perseverance.
  • motivation and discipline.
  • communication and interpersonal skills.
  • creativity.
  • resilience.
  • confidence and self-belief.
  • adaptability to the different disciplines of TV, film and theatre.