What are the guide words on this dictionary page?

What are the guide words on this dictionary page?

The definition of a guide word is a word printed at the top of a page indicating the first or last word entry on that page. An example of guide word is the word “hesitate” printed on a page in a dictionary with the word “hesitate” listed as the first word on the page.

What are dictionary guide words?

: either of the terms at the head of a page of an alphabetical reference work (such as a dictionary) indicating the alphabetically first and last words on the page.

What is a better word for curious?

The words inquisitive and prying are common synonyms of curious. While all three words mean “interested in what is not one’s personal or proper concern,” curious, a neutral term, basically connotes an active desire to learn or to know.

How do you describe someone who is curious?

Synonyms: inquisitive, questioning, speculative, wondering. showing curiosity. nosey, nosy, prying, snoopy. offensively curious or inquisitive. overcurious.

What is another name for curious?

What is another word for curious?

inquisitive probing
fascinated interested
intrigued keen
agog eager
excited moved

How do you say you are curious?

Synonyms for I am curious

  1. be curious.
  2. i wonder.
  3. i would be interested.
  4. interesting to me.
  5. makes me curious.
  6. am interested.
  7. curiosity. n.
  8. i am keen.

Is being too curious a bad thing?

The new research reveals that the need to know is so strong that people will seek to slake their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will hurt. Curiosity is often considered a good instinct—it can lead to new scientific advances, for instance—but sometimes such inquiry can backfire.

Why is being curious a good thing?

Since the mind is like a muscle which becomes stronger through continual exercise, the mental exercise caused by curiosity makes your mind stronger and stronger. It makes your mind observant of new ideas When you are curious about something, your mind expects and anticipates new ideas related to the subject.

What are the benefits of being curious?

Here are some reasons why curiosity is beneficial and need to be cultivated.

  • Curiosity help us become better problem solvers.
  • Curiosity can also help us overcome our fears.
  • Curiosity helps us develop empathy.
  • Curiosity makes us more knowledgeable.
  • Curiosity also leads to humility.
  • Curiosity makes us more self-aware.

How do you stay curious?

Seven Ways to Be More Curious

  1. Read widely and follow your interests.
  2. Polish your mind with the minds of others.
  3. Visit a physical bookstore or library and browse the shelves.
  4. Be willing to ask dumb questions.
  5. Put a lot of ideas and facts in your head: Don’t rely on Google.
  6. Be an expert who is interested in everything.

Why is curiosity important in teaching and learning?

1. Curiosity prepares the brain for learning. So if a teacher is able to arouse students’ curiosity about something they’re naturally motivated to learn, they’ll be better prepared to learn things that they would normally consider boring or difficult.

What are the guide words on this dictionary page?

What are the guide words on this dictionary page?

Guide Words: These are the words in bold at the top of each page that help to locate an entry word. The first guide word is the first word on the page. The second guide word is the last word on the page.

How are guide words used in the dictionary?

Guide words appear on each page of a dictionary. They tell you the first word and last word on the page. The other words on the page come between the guide words in alphabetical order. To put words in alphabetical order, put them in order by their first letters.

What are the guide words on page 25 of the dictionary?

Answer. Answer: The definition of a guide word is a word printed at the top of a page indicating the first or last word entry on that page. An example of guide word is the word “hesitate” printed on a page in a dictionary with the word “hesitate” listed as the first word on the page.

What are the first two words in the dictionary?

Ask anyone which word comes first in an English dictionary, and they will assuredly answer “aardvark“.

What is the difference between guide words and entry words?

You have learned that guide words at the top of each page help you find words in a dictionary. Entry words are the words that can be looked up in a dictionary. Entry words are usually printed in dark print.

What is a subheading?

noun. the heading or title of a subdivision or subsection of a printed work. a division subordinate to a main heading or title.

What is a guide word example?

The definition of a guide word is a word printed at the top of a page indicating the first or last word entry on that page. An example of guide word is the word “hesitate” printed on a page in a dictionary with the word “hesitate” listed as the first word on the page.

What is guide words of pool?

The Correct guide words for Pool is Poem-Pot.

What is the guide word of accurate?

1 : free from error especially as the result of care an accurate diagnosis. 2 : conforming exactly to truth or to a standard : exact providing accurate color. 3 : able to give an accurate result an accurate gauge.

What are the guide words for wash?

1 clean, lave, rinse, launder; mop, swab. 4 bedew.

What is correct guide words?

: either of the terms at the head of a page of an alphabetical reference work (such as a dictionary) indicating the alphabetically first and last words on the page.

What is a word that starts with an S?

5 letter words that start with S

  • saber.
  • sabin.
  • sable.
  • sabot.
  • sabra.
  • sabre.
  • sacks.
  • sacra.

What is guide word of jump?

(Entry 1 of 3) intransitive verb. 1a : to spring into the air : leap especially : to spring free from the ground or other base by the muscular action of feet and legs. b : to move suddenly or involuntarily : start. c : to move energetically : hustle.

What is entry word?

: a word or term often in distinctive type placed at the beginning of an entry (as in a dictionary) : headword.

Are entries word?

a. An entry word, as in a dictionary; a headword. b. A headword along with its related text.

What is the entry word for excited?

1 ruffled, discomposed, stormy, perturbed, impassioned. 2 eager, active, enthusiastic.

What is a main entry word?

Definitions of main entry word. noun. the form of a word that heads a lexical entry and is alphabetized in a dictionary. synonyms: citation form, entry word.

What are the first and last words on a page in the dictionary called?

These are called guide words. Actually, the guide words are the first and last entries alphabetically on the page, and this includes all the boldface entries, not just the main entries. A guide word is most often a main entry, but it may also be a variant spelling, an inflected form, or a run-on entry.

What comes first in a dictionary entry?

Order of Main Entries in common usage have the abbreviation spelled out: Saint Anthony’s fire. Full words come before parts of words made up of the same letters. Solid compounds come first and are followed by hyphenated compounds and then open compounds.

What does Catalogue mean?

1 : list, register a catalog of the band’s songs. 2a : a complete enumeration of items arranged systematically with descriptive details a catalog of the company’s products. b : a pamphlet or book that contains such a list a mail-order catalog a university catalog.

What is a Catalogue example?

The definition of a catalog is a list of something, or a book or pamphlet containing a list. An example of a catalog is a library’s list of all of the books it has available. An example of a catalog is a booklet showing everything a store has for sale.

What is Catalogue chart and its uses?

[′chart ‚kad·əl‚äg] (navigation) A list or enumeration of navigational charts, sometimes with index charts indicating the extent of coverage of the various navigational charts.

What is another word for Catalogue?

What is another word for catalogue?

prospectus list
listing checklist
roll index
roster inventory
registry file

What is another word for index?

What is another word for index?

list listing
inventory catalogueUK
directory catalogUS
file table
table of contents record

What is the antonym of Catalogue?

What is the opposite of catalogue?

delist cancel
erase forget
lie straighten
withhold dodge
pass dismiss

What does touch mean?

: to bring a bodily part into contact with especially so as to perceive through the tactile sense : handle or feel gently usually with the intent to understand or appreciate. intransitive verb. : to feel something with a body part (as the hand or foot) touch. noun.

What does too Shay mean?

—used to admit that someone has made a clever or effective point in an argument.

What does touch you mean?

It means I want to touch you, but uh… to me it sounds like something you would say during sex, honestly. Like, if I wanted to touch someone’s hair/clothes/skin in a normal way, I would probably say “I want to touch it.” I would never say “I want to touch you” in those situations because I would feel weird.

What is the difference between stay in touch and keep in touch?

“stay in touch” implies regular contact, whereas “keep in touch” implies occasional contact. “stay in touch” means you are already in touch and want to continue that connection, whereas “keep in touch” can be used for existing and new connections.

What are the guide words on this dictionary page?

What are the guide words on this dictionary page?

Guide Words: These are the words in bold at the top of each page that help to locate an entry word. The first guide word is the first word on the page. The second guide word is the last word on the page.

How do you find the guide words in a dictionary?

Guide words appear on each page of a dictionary. They tell you the first word and last word on the page. The other words on the page come between the guide words in alphabetical order. To put words in alphabetical order, put them in order by their first letters.

What are the guide words used in the dictionary entry?

The definition of a guide word is a word printed at the top of a page indicating the first or last word entry on that page. An example of guide word is the word “hesitate” printed on a page in a dictionary with the word “hesitate” listed as the first word on the page.

What are the guide words for the word harvest?


  • gather,
  • pick,
  • reap.

What is another name for harvest?

What is another word for harvest?

harvesting picking
reaping collecting
garnering ingathering
culling gathering
gleaning cropping

What is another word for carried?

Carried Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for carried?

took brought
moved transported
hauled transferred
carted dragged
lugged beared

What is a stronger word for carried?

adjectivebrought in from another place. alien. carried. choice. exotic.

What is the antonym of carried?

What is the opposite of carried?

left abandoned
ditched dropped
dumped forsook
casted off disposed of
jettisoned left behind

What does carried out mean?

carried out; carrying out; carries out. Definition of carry out (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to bring to a successful issue : complete, accomplish carried out the assignment. 2 : to put into execution carry out a plan.

Is carried out a formal word?

Although we often think of phrasal verbs and other multi-word verbs as being rather informal, the majority are in fact neutral and there are a good many that are positively formal. If you only learn one phrasal verb to use in formal writing, my recommendation would be carry out.

What Does carried mean?

1. To hold or support while moving; bear: carried the baby in my arms; carrying a heavy backpack. 2. a. To move or take from one place to another; transport: a train carrying freight; a courier carrying messages.

What is the phrasal verb of carry out?

to do or complete something, especially that you have said you would do or that you have been told to do: Dr Carter is carrying out research on early Christian art.

What is the phrasal verb of set up?

1to build something or put something somewhere The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city. to make a piece of equipment or a machine ready for use She set up her stereo in her bedroom. to arrange for something to happen I’ve set up a meeting for Friday.

What is the verb of carried?

verb (used with object), car·ried, car·ry·ing. to take or support from one place to another; convey; transport: He carried her for a mile in his arms.

What is the meaning of carry forward?

to proceed or progress with. 2. Accounting. to transfer from one column, page, book, or account to another. See full dictionary entry for carry.

How do you use carry forward?

To use carry forward, you must make the maximum allowable contribution in the current tax year (£40,000 in 2021/22) and can then use unused annual allowances from the three previous tax years, starting with the tax year three years ago.

What is the difference between carry forward and brought forward?

1. If a company has made a loss this year it can “carry forward” the loss to next year to offset it against next years profit. If a company was planning a major investment next year but generated more profit this year than expected it could “bring forward” the investment to this year.

What do you mean by casting and carrying forward?

The solidified part is also known as a casting, which is ejected or broken out of the mold to complete the process. Carry Forward – In accounting, to transfer some entry to the next column, page, or book, or to another account: The company decided to carry their losses forward to offset future profits.

How do you cast someone?

To make a life cast, you need to start by creating a mold of part of a person’s body. Then, you need to cover the mold with plaster bandages to form a casing. After that, you fill the encased mold with plaster to create a lifelike plaster cast of that part of the person’s body.

What does cast in mean?

b(1) : to assign the parts of (a dramatic production) to actors cast a movie. (2) : to assign (someone, such as an actor) to a role or part was cast in the leading role. 4a : to give a shape to (a substance) by pouring in liquid or plastic form into a mold and letting harden without pressure cast steel.

What does cast a vote mean?

Word forms: casting votes. countable noun. When a committee has given an equal number of votes for and against a proposal, the chairperson can give a casting vote. This vote decides whether or not the proposal will be passed. The vote was tied and a union leader used his casting vote in favor of the return to work.

Who holds the casting vote?

A casting vote is a vote that someone may exercise to resolve a deadlock. A casting vote is typically by the presiding officer of a council, legislative body, committee, etc., and may only be exercised to break a deadlock.

What is the difference between cast and caste?

Cast: a group of actors or individuals. Caste: a social class; a rigid system of social distinctions.

Is Cast past tense?

Cast is the correct past tense of It is an irregular verb. Casted is an incorrect past tense conjugation of cast.

What tense is cast?

past tense

How do you use cast in a sentence?

Cast sentence example

  1. They’re putting a cast on her leg right now.
  2. Does he cast a shadow?
  3. Why were they cast out of the underworld?
  4. Darkyn’s mate cast a worried look at the teen demoness, who was shaking.
  5. When she had cast aside all the jeans she couldn’t wear, there was room for everything else.

What is the 3rd form of cut?

Conjugation of verb ‘Cut’

Base Form (Infinitive): To Cut
Past Simple: Cut
Past Participle: Cut
3rd Person Singular: Cuts
Present Participle/Gerund: Cutting