What are the Spanish comparatives?

What are the Spanish comparatives?

Spanish, however, has three comparative forms: superior, inferior, and equal.

  • Superiority. To indicate that one adjective, adverb, or noun is superior to another in some way, use the following construction:
  • Inferiority. Indicating inferiority uses a similar construction:
  • Equality.
  • Irregular Comparatives.

What is comparison mean?

1 : the act or process of comparing: such as. a : the representing of one thing or person as similar to or like another His poetry invites comparison with the poems of Robert Frost. b : an examination of two or more items to establish similarities and dissimilarities His faults seem minor by comparison.

What are superlatives in Spanish?

In Spanish there are two types of superlatives: el superlativo relativo (the relative superlative) and el superlativo absoluto (the absolute superlative). The latter expresses the adjective quality in its highest degree, above all other possible terms of comparison.

How do you do unequal compare in Spanish?

Comparisons of Inequality with Adjectives

  1. Marcos + es + más + alto + que + su hermana. (Marcos is taller than his sister.)
  2. Yo + soy + menos + inteligente + que + tú. (I am less intelligent than you.)
  3. Mi coche + es + más + rápido + que + el tuyo. (My car is faster than yours.)
  4. La puerta es más roja que una cereza.

What are the two ways of saying as much as in Spanish?

To say you have as much or as many of something as something else in Spanish, we use tanto como if the thing we are comparing is a noun, or tanto como if what we are comparing is a verb.

What is the difference between DOP and IOP in Spanish?

A direct object receives the action of the verb. An indirect object is indirectly affected by the action of a verb. ‘Direct object pronouns’ and ‘indirect object pronouns’ are the words you use to replace the direct and indirect objects of a sentence. Note here that ‘it’ is the direct object pronoun for ‘book’.

What is the difference between direct and indirect Spanish?

7 Answers. The indirect objects are me, te, le, nos, and les. They are used to describe for what or whom an action is done. The direct objects- me, te, lo/la, nos, and los/las, are used to tell what or who is receiving the action in the sentence.

What comes first IOPS or DOPS?

If our sentence involves an affirmative command, we must attach our pronouns to end of the verb. The IOP will still come before the DOP: And remember, if we don’t have an affirmative command, infinitive, or present participle, the objects must come in front of the verb: ¡No me lo compres!

How do you use IOPS in Spanish?

The Spanish indirect object pronouns are used to replace a word or phrase, which in the sentence, fulfills that function. They are usually placed before the verb, when this is conjugated. If the verb is not conjugated, then the indirect object pronoun is placed after the verb.

What is a cognate Spanish?

Cognates are words in Spanish and English that share the same Latin and/or Greek root, are very similar in spelling and have the same or similar meaning. Most often, cognates are words in two languages that have a common etymology and thus are similar or identical.

What are the most important Spanish tenses?

The three main tenses you should learn first in Spanish are the present (el presente), the past (also called the preterite, el pretérito), and the future (el futuro). They’re the ones you’ll run into most.