What are the steps in revising your draft?

What are the steps in revising your draft?

How to revise:

  1. Put your draft aside. Time away from your essay will allow for more objective self-evaluation.
  2. Get feedback.
  3. Construct a backward-outline of your essay.
  4. Rethink your thesis.
  5. Now that you know what you’re really arguing, work on the introduction and conclusion.
  6. Proofread.

How do you revise for the first draft?

How to revise a first draft

  1. Let it sit for a few days. The best editing happens when you are unattached.
  2. Print the whole thing out. We read more carefully on paper.
  3. Read the whole thing (aka ‘The Big Read’). I read the entire book in one or two sittings.
  4. Take high and low level notes.
  5. Get feedback.
  6. Get to work on the second draft.

What are good revision strategies?


  • STEP ONE: THE BIG PICTURE. Look at the first draft in terms of larger, abstract qualities:
  • STEP TWO: FOCUS ON DEVELOPMENT. does the main idea of the paper have enough supporting material?

What is effective revision?

Revising effectively means much more than simply trying to memorise information to regurgitate in the exam: it involves practise in recalling information in a flexible and ‘useable’ way; it involves practise in understanding and answering exam questions in an appropriate manner; it involves practise in assessing the …

What do you need for revision?

Revision kit list

  • Black and/or blue pens. Typically you’ll only be able to write in black pen for exams, but some studies have shown blue pen to be better for remembering what you wrote down so stocking up on both could be a good idea.
  • Pencils.
  • Coloured pens/pencils.
  • Highlighters.

Why Studying is so boring?

It didn’t want to learn those things which it think as not important and thus we don’t have any interest, so it becomes boring and tedious. Doing work more than our capacity can exhaust us and and this same principle applies to our brain. Our brain also requires some rest as it’s not a machine.

How can I study without laziness?

Here are some tips that could help you overcome laziness in studying:

  1. Be in a comfortable place. One thing that could help fight laziness is finding a good location.
  2. Make a study plan.
  3. Take one step at a time.
  4. Remove all distractions.
  5. Find motivation.
  6. Think about its consequences.
  7. Do easier tasks.
  8. Discipline yourself.

How can I study for hours without getting bored?

Having said that here are seven steps you can take to study long hours without getting overly tired or drowsy:

  1. Prioritize your schedule: take up difficult topics early in the day.
  2. Exercise.
  3. Steal a nap.
  4. Eat to maintain energy levels.
  5. Conserve your mental energy.
  6. Take regular breaks.
  7. If possible, study/ work in daylight.

Why do I forget everything I study?

The most common reason why students forget is because the material is under learned. To remember something, it must first be learned, that is, stored in long-term memory. If you don’t do what is necessary to get information into your long-term memory, you have under learned the material and forgetting is normal.

How do you fix bad memory?


  1. Include physical activity in your daily routine. Physical activity increases blood flow to your whole body, including your brain.
  2. Stay mentally active.
  3. Socialize regularly.
  4. Get organized.
  5. Sleep well.
  6. Eat a healthy diet.
  7. Manage chronic conditions.