What are the two sounds of OO?

What are the two sounds of OO?

It makes two sounds: The OH diphthong plus the AH vowel, like in ‘cooperation’ or ‘zoology’. There are also four vowels that can be made with the double O: Food, foot, floor, flood.

Which word has the same sound as oo in foot?

The more common pronunciation for the oo spelling is the oo sound, as in the word soon. The word shoot (s-h-o-o-t) is also pronounced with the oo sound. Notice that the word shoot does not rhyme with the word foot, shoot, foot. Let’s talk a little bit about how these two sounds are different.

Is OO a long o sound?

The sound of long o is especially rich in alternate spellings. Note that the second sound of ou is long o. oo The spelling oo can represent three sounds: /oo/ as in boot, /û/as in foot, and /ō/ as in floor. oa This is the o of boat.

What is the difference between long Oo and short OO?

The letter group ook is mostly pronounced with a short “oo” as in “put” (the only exceptions are “spook” and “snooker”, which are pronounced with a long “oo”). The letter group ood is mostly pronounced with a short “oo”, but it can also be pronounced with a long “oo” as in “brood”, “food”, and “mood”.

Is wood long OO or short OO?

For example ‘oo’ can have a short sound (‘oo’ as in wood) or a long sound (‘oo’ as in mood). All these words contain the short and long ‘oo’ sound.

Is wool a short oo sound?

The letters oo are used to spell two slightly different sounds. These words have the short oo sound as in book….Study the word list: The short /oo/ sound.

good I could see from his smile that he was in a good mood.
wool Her new sweater was made from wool.

Is pool long or short OO?

Find the oo word in each sentence….Spelling the sound /oo/: oo.

Is the /oo/ sound long or short? Select long or short sound
Only dive at the deep end of the pool. long short