What are the two types of literary criticism?

What are the two types of literary criticism?

Examples of some types of literary criticism are:

  • Biographical.
  • Comparative.
  • Ethical.
  • Expressive.
  • Feminist.
  • Historical.
  • Mimetic.
  • Pragmatic.

What type of source is literary criticism?

Secondary Source Examples

Disciplines Secondary source examples
Language and Literature Literary criticism, biographies, reviews, text books
Psychology, Sociology, Economics Reviews of the literature, critical interpretations of scholarly studies
Sciences Publications about the significance of research or experiments

What are the different theories of literary criticism?

  • What Is Literary Theory?
  • Traditional Literary Criticism.
  • Formalism and New Criticism.
  • Marxism and Critical Theory.
  • Structuralism and Poststructuralism.
  • New Historicism and Cultural Materialism.
  • Ethnic Studies and Postcolonial Criticism.
  • Gender Studies and Queer Theory.

What are the four major critical theories in literature?

Broad schools of theory that have historically been important include historical and biographical criticism, New Criticism, formalism, Russian formalism, and structuralism, post-structuralism, Marxism, feminism and French feminism, post-colonialism, new historicism, deconstruction, reader-response criticism, and …

What is new criticism example?

Besides authors and readers, New Critics would also argue that a text’s historical and cultural contexts are also irrelevant. For example, even if we’re looking at such a culturally significant text, such as Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, we should avoid the temptation to read it as an anti-slavery novel.

What is the main function of postcolonial criticism?

Post-colonial criticism is similar to cultural studies, but it assumes a unique perspective on literature and politics that warrants a separate discussion. Specifically, post-colonial critics are concerned with literature produced by colonial powers and works produced by those who were/are colonized.

Why is postcolonial literature important?

Postcolonial literature also becomes relevant because it is capable of providing a representation of the suppressed as well as the suppresser, and hence offers a representation of conflicting views and ideologies.

What is the difference between colonial and postcolonial literature?

“’Colonial literature’ is most easily defined as literature written during a time of colonization, usually from the point of view of colonizers. “’Postcolonial literature,’ then, refers to literature written in a ‘postcolonial’ period, generally by members of the colonized community.

What makes a text postcolonial?

Postcolonialism often also involves the discussion of experiences such as slavery, migration, suppression and resistance, difference, race, gender and place as well as responses to the discourses of imperial Europe such as history, philosophy, anthropology and linguistics.

Why is postcolonial a problematic term?

“Postcolonial” is also a troublesome term because it draws some very arbitrary lines.

What does postcolonial theory mean?

Postcolonial theory (or often post‐colonial theory) deals with the effects of colonization on cultures and societies and those societies’ responses. The term “postcolonial” per se was first used in literary studies by The Empire Writes Back in 1989 to refer to cultural interactions within colonial societies.

What is decolonization?

Decolonization is the process of deconstructing colonial ideologies of the superiority and privilege of Western thought and approaches. On the one hand, decolonization involves dismantling structures that perpetuate the status quo and addressing unbalanced power dynamics.

What is new historicism in literary theory?

New historicism, a form of literary theory which aims to understand intellectual history through literature and literature through its cultural context, follows the 1950s field of history of ideas and refers to itself as a form of “Cultural Poetics”.

Who is the father of New Historicism?

Stephen Jay Greenblatt

Why is New Historicism important?

A New Historicist looks at literature in a wider historical context, examining both how the writer’s times affected the work and how the work reflects the writer’s times, in turn recognizing that current cultural contexts color that critic’s conclusions.

What does New Historicism mean?

: a method of literary criticism that emphasizes the historicity of a text by relating it to the configurations of power, society, or ideology in a given time.

What does historicism mean?

: a theory, doctrine, or style that emphasizes the importance of history: such as. a : a theory in which history is seen as a standard of value or as a determinant of events. b : a style (as in architecture) characterized by the use of traditional forms and elements.

How do you differentiate between New Historicism and Cultural Materialism?

One of the main differences between new historicism and cultural materialism is new historicists will look at a literary work during it’s own time, whereas cultural materialists will exam a work in its political context throughout time, up to the modern day.

What is cultural materialism literary theory?

Cultural materialists analyze the processes by which hegemonic forces in society appropriate canonical and historically important texts, such as Shakespeare and Austen, and utilize them in an attempt to validate or inscribe certain values on the cultural imaginary.

What is historicism theory?

Historicism is the idea of attributing significance to elements of space and time, such as historical period, geographical place, and local culture, in order to contextualize theories, narratives and other interpretative instruments. The writings of Karl Marx, influenced by Hegel, also include historicism.