What are words that have vis in them?

What are words that have vis in them?

” This meaning is found in such words as: advice, advisable, advise, invisible, provision, proviso, revise, revision, supervise, supervision, supervisor, supervisory, television, visa, visage, vis-a-vis, visibility, visible, vision, visit, visor, vista, visual, visualize.

What words have the root vid in them?

The Latin root words vis and its variant vid both mean “see.” These Latin roots are the word origin of a good number of English vocabulary words, including visual, invisible, provide, and evidence.

What are words that start with VID or VIS?

Explore the Words

  • visible. capable of being seen or open to easy view.
  • visionary. a person with unusual powers of foresight.
  • visage. the human face.
  • visualize. form a mental picture of something that is invisible.
  • vista. the visual percept of a region.
  • supervise. keep an eye on; keep under surveillance.
  • previse.
  • revise.

What is a verb for vis vid?

It comes from the Latin Verb video & visus which mean to SEE. The two spellings you have in words with this ROOT-WORD come from the two spellings in the Latin verb it comes from. That is why, while most of the words on the list are spelled VIS, Nos: 17, 18 & 20 have VID.

Does vid mean to see?

What is the base word of visible?

visible (adj.) mid-14c., from Old French visable, visible “perceptible” (12c.) and directly from Latin visibilis “that may be seen,” from visus, past participle of videre “to see” (see vision). An Old English word for this was eagsyne. Related: Visibly.

What does clearly visible mean?

Related Definitions Clearly visible means capable of being read without obstruction by an occupant of a vehicle traveling on a street or highway within the visibility area. Sample 1.

What is another word for visible?

What is another word for visible?

observable noticeable
obvious plain
seeable conspicuous
detectable discernible
manifest patent

Which word has the same meaning as the word visible?

perceptible, perceivable, seeable, observable, noticeable, easily seen, detectable, discernible, recognizable, in view, in sight, on view, on display.

Is Visibled a word?

adjective. that can be seen; perceptible to the eye: mountains visible in the distance. apparent; manifest; obvious: a man with no visible means of support. being constantly or frequently in the public view; conspicuous: a visible political position.

Is seeable a real word?

Capable of being seen: discernible, perceivable, perceptible, viewable, visible, visual.

How do you use the word apparent?

  1. Certain problems were apparent from the outset.
  2. I find that your Adam’s apple isn’t apparent.
  3. His guilt is apparent to all.
  4. Her unhappiness was apparent to everyone.
  5. Then, for no apparent reason, the train suddenly stopped.
  6. Under his apparent calm lay real anxiety.

What does it mean if something is apparent?

1 : open to view : visible The changes were readily apparent. 2 : clear or manifest to the understanding for reasons that are apparent. 3 : appearing as actual to the eye or mind was in apparent danger.

What’s the opposite word for apparent?

What is the opposite of apparent?

invisible sightless
inconspicuous obscure
unapparent disguised
obscured inappreciable
concealed indistinguishable

What does apparently mean?

: it seems apparent —used to describe something that appears to be true based on what is known an apparently happy marriageThe window had apparently been forced open. Apparently, we’re supposed to wait here. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About apparently.

What is another word for unclear?

What is another word for unclear?

vague unsure
indefinite ambiguous
debatable obscure
indistinct confused
doubtful imprecise

What is another word for coward?

SYNONYMS FOR coward 1 craven, poltroon, dastard, recreant, milksop.

How do you say coward in a nice way?


  1. caitiff.
  2. chicken.
  3. coward.
  4. dastard.
  5. fraidy cat.
  6. nebbish.
  7. poltroon.
  8. quitter.

Whats the opposite of a coward?

coward. Antonyms: champion, hero, daredevil, desperado. Synonyms: craven, dastard, recreant, poltroon, renegade.

What does Egregariously mean?

[ adjective ] conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible.

What is the meaning of malicious?

: having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone : given to, marked by, or arising from malice malicious gossip.

Who is a malicious person?

Someone who is malicious enjoys hurting or embarrassing others. If you’re writing a book about good and evil, you’ll want to come up with a truly malicious character to do all the bad stuff. Malicious is the adjective based on the noun malice, which means the desire to harm others.