What can I say instead of hugs and kisses?

What can I say instead of hugs and kisses?

Synonyms for Hugs and kisses

  • xoxo.
  • lots of love. n.
  • eternally yours.
  • kisses.
  • all my love.
  • much love.
  • adoringly yours.
  • affectionately.

How do you say hug you in different ways?


  1. affection.
  2. caress.
  3. clasp.
  4. clinch.
  5. lock.
  6. squeeze.
  7. bear hug.
  8. bunny hug.

How do you express a hug in Word?

Do you want to hug? Creative ways to ask for a hug

  1. “Can I hug you?”
  2. “Can you hug me?”
  3. “Can you give me a little hug?”
  4. “Would it be okay if I gave you a hug?”
  5. “Would you like me to wrap my arms around you?”
  6. “Would you be willing to give me a hug right now?”
  7. “Would you be into a side hug?”
  8. “Want a hug?”

What do you call a tight hug?

1. 1. bear hug. An extremely tight, rough embrace with the arms.

What are 3 types of hugs?

Here are the most common types of hugs, and what they mean.

  • Bear Hug. Image for representative purpose.
  • Polite Hug. Image for representative purpose.
  • One-Way Hug. Image for representative purpose.
  • Intimate Hug. Image for representative purpose.
  • Buddy Hug. Image for representative purpose.
  • Back Hug.

Why do guys hug from behind?

Why do guys hug from behind? Guys do this to show girls that they care about them and will be there in the future to support and protect them. This guy is not afraid of responsibility or commitment. He wants to show you how much he cares about you by touching you in a hug.

Do guys get turned on by hugging a girl they like?

Mostly yes, Any form of body contact induces the person to get turned on. They may not show it outwardly, but in their inner psyche they get turned on unconsciously.

Is hugging flirting?

Sharing a caress within a hug makes it romantic. It can also be a sign of comfort for someone upset but usually involves a gentle rubbing of the head or arm. When this caress is made on the lower back or chest, it is likely romantic in nature.

What is a flirty hug?

Flirty hug This hug is for those who love to live on the edge. If you give a flirty hug, you don’t reveal your intentions about a man clearly, but the way you lean in to hug him and your body position tells it all. When you hug a man like this, it means that you want something more with him.

Do guys like hugs?

Most guys like hugs, but like girls, not all like hugs. You have to notice the body language to find clues as to whether a person likes hugs or not. When a female friend hugs a guy, he feels a warmth and caring that women can convey in a special way.

Can a hug make you fall in love?

When we reach out, a chemical called oxytocin — also dubbed the “love hormone” — kicks in and makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside. The effects of a warm embrace can linger long after the hug: Oxytocin promotes feelings of trust, nurturing, and calm.

What type of hugs do guys like?

The Light Squeeze Hug Guys love it when girls wrap their arms around them, below the shoulders and give a gentle squeeze. Such types of hugs are very common between male and female friends. Some guys like hands wrapped around the upper back instead of being squeezed gently.