What clue provides words with the same or similar meaning?

What clue provides words with the same or similar meaning?

synonym clue

What is a literary text?

A literary text is a piece of writing, such as a book or poem, that has the purpose of telling a story or entertaining, as in a fictional novel. Its primary function as a text is usually aesthetic, but it may also contain political messages or beliefs.

Why do you need to consider the society in understanding the literary text?

Explanation: The impact of literature in modern society is undeniable. Literature acts as a form of expression for each individual author. Some books mirror society and allow us to better understand the world we live in.

How can literature mirror your personal experience?

Literature, however, can be said to be the mirror of life, because it reflects and comments on aspects of things people encounter in their daily lives. Even futuristic novels such as The Hunger Games can reflect life, despite the fact that its world is alien to the modern human being.

Why do we need to use multimedia Brainly?

The multimedia is a good way for communication because that can easy to communicate and understand what they say. After that, multimedia has animation, music, video and more of this. This can easier to attract people to listen what you talking about.

What literary works are usually adapted?

Literary works have been adapted in many forms: fairy tales as ballets, plays as operas, novels as stage plays (see dramatization), stage plays as novels or short stories.

What influenced you to become the person you are now?

There are many factors that influenced us to become who we are today – including our parents, sisters/brothers/siblings, friends, acquaintances and even our religion. As we grow older, our friends influenced our beliefs as well as our personality.

Who is your role model sample answer?

If you’re worried about getting too personal, say one they might not know and have another more well-known figure to back it up with. For example: “My grandfather is my greatest role model because he had exceptional determination and ambition in his own career, but also took time to help those less fortunate.

What is the clue word or manner to determine the claim of value?

Answer: the clue word or manner to determine for the claim of value is the presence of comparison between two subject within the statement or argument.

How do you write a claim of value?

Compose the essay.

  1. Begin writing with a hook, such as a particularly strong statistic or moving anecdote.
  2. Ensure the thesis statement is not the first sentence; it works best placed at the end of your opening paragraph.
  3. When concluding revisit the thesis and end with an appeal to your readers’ emotions.

What makes a claim strong?

A strong claim takes a stand. A strong claim justifies/promotes discussion. A strong claim expresses one main idea. A strong claim is specific.

What is a good way to start a claim?

Start with a hook or attention getting sentence. Briefly summarize the texts • State your claim. Make sure you are restating the prompt. Include a topic sentence that restates your claim and your reason.

What is the difference between a fact and a claim of fact?

Explanation: The interpretation that the physical evidence links to the defendant is a claim. The fact supports the claim. A claim can express a point of view. Example: The election of that candidate would be horrible for the country.

What is the difference between a topic sentence and a claim?

Whereas a thesis statement expresses the central argument or claim of a paper, a topic sentence begins each body paragraph with a point in support of this larger thesis. Topic sentences provide an essay with structure and organization by breaking break down the thesis argument into a series of smaller claims.

Is the claim the topic sentence?

Claim. This is also sometimes called a topic sentence. This will be your way of announcing the main focus of your paragraph; it should tell the reader what your paragraph will be about. Each claim should be a reason why the reader should believe your paper’s main idea.

Is claim the main idea?

✓ A claim is the main argument of an essay. It is probably the single most important part of an academic paper. The complexity, effectiveness, and quality of the entire paper hinges on the claim. If your claim is boring or obvious, the rest of the paper probably will be too.

What is the similarities between topic sentence and thesis statement?

The topic sentences and the thesis statements both are focused. Both are neither a question nor a prediction but they are always a single declarative statement. The thesis statements and the topic sentence are integral to the organization of the essay. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence.