What conclusion about Odysseus is best supported by the excerpt?

What conclusion about Odysseus is best supported by the excerpt?

Answer. Solution: As per the given excerpt, the main conclusion about Odysseus or the speaker best supported is that he trusts Circe’s advice.

What theme is best revealed by this conflict sadness can destroy people one must mourn before moving on many lives are lost too soon in battle people are haunted by lost souls?

Explanation: In the lines, the speaker talks about how they grateful that they still had their lives, but they were grief-stricken that their friends’ lives had been lost. Before setting sail, they recognize the dead by raising a cry, three times. The best theme choice is that one must mourn before moving on….

What theme is best revealed by this conflict Part 4 of the Odyssey?

Answer. The theme revealed in the conflict scene of Odyssey is, ‘trickery is a valuable weapon in battle’….

What does the simile Add to this passage Check all that apply a comparison between the sea and a cauldron?

In this case, the excerpt presents the simile “…all the sea was like a cauldron seething over intense fire, when the mixture suddenly heaves and rises”, comparing the sea with a cauldron in a fire, which gives the reader an image that represents the anger of the sea….

What is the conflict in the excerpt sitting on the porch?

The conflict in the excerpt is that Ana feels like she needs a break from her homework, but her mother wanted her to do it immediately….

What deeper meaning is revealed through the Cyclops’s interpretation of the prophecy?

The deeper meaning revealed through the cyclops’s interpretation of the prophecy is that Epic heroes can have qualities that one would expect only a supernatural being to have….

What inference can be made about Odysseus based on his choice to stay and see the Cyclops?

What inferences can be made about Odysseus based on his choice to stay and see the Cyclops? Check all that apply. Odysseus is curious about what the Cyclops is like. Odysseus wants to see if the Cyclops will give him anything.

What characteristics of Odysseus the story epic hero are most shown in this excerpt?

The characteristics of Odysseus, the story’s epic hero, that are most shown in the excerpt are character and loyalty. Hope this answer helps….

Which excerpt from Part 2 of the Odysseus is cited properly in MLA style?

Answer: A. “Last of them all my ram, the leader, came. / weighted by wool And me with my meditations” (Homer 376-377).

Which of the following is an important theme in Part 2 of the Odyssey?

Which is an important theme in the Odyssey, Part 2? Good triumphs over evil.

Which values of the ancient Greeks are most emphasized?

The values of the ancient Greeks enalted in the excerpt provided are “bravery and perseverance”.

Which excerpt from the Odyssey best shows that the ancient Greeks greatly valued the idea of home quizlet?

Which excerpt from The Odyssey best shows that the ancient Greeks greatly valued the idea of home? the Lotus, or you lose your hope of home.

Which excerpt from the Odyssey best demonstrates the importance of perseverance in Greek society?

The excerpt from “The Odyssey” that best demonstrates the importance of perseverance in Greek society is Odysseus’ perseverance, especially the section that involved his wanderings (Books 9-12). Through his courage, determination and strength, he survived.

What functions as a symbol in this excerpt treated as rubbish?

The manure, the manure and the rubbish are symbols of Argus.

Which is a symbol in this excerpt stranger you are no longer?

The symbol in the excerpt is the new cloak.

Which excerpt is an example of which value important to ancient Greek society?

home family strength glory. Family is an example of which value important to ancient Greek society. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Share your world.

When making a prediction about reading students should make a N?

Explanation: An educated guess is a guess based on knowledge and experience and therefore likely to be correct. Educated guess is an important step in education hypothesis and it provides a path for students as well as teachers to predict the results what are likely to happen.

What does this excerpt Most suggest about the beliefs of the ancient Greeks?

What does this excerpt most suggest about the values of the ancient Greeks? They valued family.

How are the Greek values of family and perseverance shown through Odysseus’s return home quizlet?

Answer: We can see Greek family values based on Penelope who waited for Odysseus for 10 years to come home and did not want to marry any of the suitors. His Son is also always on his side and believes that he’ll come back. Even his dog is faithful and is one of the rare Ithacians who recognizes him.

What does the dog Argus represent in this excerpt?

Answer: It is loyalty. Explanation: This is because he tries his best to wag his tail, even when he is about to die.

Which Greek values are found in the Odyssey?

Terms in this set (8)

  • loyalty. devotion to a person or cause.
  • ingenuinity. ability to solve difficult problems.
  • athleticism. show of skill in sports and games.
  • hospitality. kindness in welcoming strangers.
  • intuition. instinctive knowing or impression.
  • justice. fairly assigning rewards and punishments.
  • respect.
  • teamwork.

What does the Odyssey tell us about Greek culture?

Homer wrote the Odyssey with many realistic descriptions of Ancient Greek culture. He also presented more extreme lifestyles in the way that characters acted. In the Odyssey, there is a hospitality code that represents the manner in which people should act towards strangers.

How are the lessons from the Odyssey still in play today?

The reason why The Odyssey is considered valuable today is because it teaches virtues and values. For instance, it teaches that through determination, hard work, and perseverance, one can succeed in even the most dangerous or most challenging of tasks.

Which Greek value is revealed through Odysseus’s dialogue?
