What detail in the passage suggests that the narrator may not be reliable?

What detail in the passage suggests that the narrator may not be reliable?

what details in the text that suggest that the narrator of this story is not reliable? details in the text that show that the narrator of this story is not reliable is the fact that he is mad, and he thinks that he is not mad.

What is the effect of the narrator’s repetition?

The repetition of words in the story also adds to the suspense and creates a terrifying mood. As the narrator views the old man and his eye, he repeats words to increase the tension and to create fear within the reader.

What impact does the repetition of the word stealthily have?

“Stealthily” refers to something secret and sly, deceptive, etc. The repetition of the word here reminds the reader, frighteningly, of the care and time the narrator takes to move forward in his purpose. He remains unmoving for an hour! He is maddeningly patient, lurking in the night.

Who is the protagonist in Tell-Tale Heart?

In “The Tell-Tale Heart,” the protagonist is the narrator, the unnamed murderer.

What was the climax of Tell-Tale Heart?

The climax in the story is when the narrator murders the old man. Suddenly, the narrator throws the old man on the floor of his bedroom and suffocates him with his mattress. The falling action of the story in the Tell- Tale Heart is when the policemen arrive at the house because the old man’s neighbors heard a shriek.

Which statement best describes how the pardon-seller is characterized in this excerpt?

Which statement best describes how the pardon-seller is characterized in this excerpt? He is characterized as a man who has long, thinning hair.

Which is the correct translation of the modern English word villain into Middle English?

Nycetee in modern English would be foolishness and simplicity. Vvileinye – this is the correct answer. The Word vileinye means bad manners, wicked behaviour, and rudeness in person, therefore someone being a villain.

What is the moral of the Canterbury Tales?

Some of the lessons are love conquers all, lust only gets you in trouble, religion and morality is virtuous, and honor and honesty is valued. Although there are some contradictory stories, Chaucer kept to this set of morals through most of his tales.

What did the wife of Bath do to her husband’s book?

How did the Wife of Bath react to this? Her fifth husband read tales about bad wives every night. She reacted by ripping pages out of the book. She became deaf in one ear because he hit her with the book so hard.

What is the relationship between the Friar and the Wife of Bath?

Answer Expert Verified it could be stated that the connection between this two parts might be related to the role of women in the Middle Ages. In the prologue, the woman is described as being swathed in textile and “textere”. this might should the connection between “cloth and “text” at that time.

How did the Wife of Bath lose her hearing?

How did the Wife of Bath lose her hearing in one ear? (She and her fifth husband, Jankyn, got in a fight when she ripped three pages out of his “book of wicked wives” and punched him in the face, and he smacked her on the head.

What are a few characteristics of the Wife of Bath?

She is a strong-willed and dominant woman who herself gets what she wants when she wants it. She cannot accept defeat no matter what the cost. She feels that this is the way things should be and men should obey her. She should not be controlled or told what to do by others, especially by a man.