What digit is in the ten thousands?

What digit is in the ten thousands?


What is the relationship between hundreds and thousands?

It requires students to understand the relationships between the places that make up a number, such as 10 tens make 1 hundred or 100 tens can be exchanged for 1,000. A The thousands place is two times greater than the hundreds place. B The thousands place is ten times greater than the hundreds place.

Which numbers have a digit in the ten thousands place that is 10 times as great as the value of the digit in the thousands place?

So in the number 44,000 the digit in the ten thousands place is 10 times the value of the digit in the thousands place because you have moved one place to the left.

What is the 4 worth in 40?

The 4 is in the tens column and so is worth 4 × 10 = 40.

What digit is 10 times greater than the tens place?

Moving one place to the left from the tens place (30), the hundreds place (300) is 10 times greater than the tens place.

How many times greater is 700 than 70?

So 700 is 10 times larger than 70.

What happens to the value of the digit in the tens place when a number is multiplied by 10?

Multiplying a decimal by 10 increases the value of each digit by 10. Multiplying a decimal by a power of 10 increases the value of each digit by a number of times that is equivalent to that power of 10. When a digit’s value is changed, that digit is moved to the appropriate place.

What does 10 times as much mean?

Ten times as much in size, strength, number, or amount. adjective. 3. 0. A tenfold amount or number.

How many times larger is 600 than 60?

It is 10 times larger than 60.

How many times bigger is 300 than 3?

the 3 in 300 is ten times greater than the value of the 3 in 30.

How many times larger than 40 is 400?

Therefore, we can say that 10 times larger than 40 is 400.

What operation is how many times larger?

Multiplication Problems: Product Unknown. In some multiplicative comparison word problems, you are given the number of items in one set, and you are given the “multiplier” amount. The multiplier amount tells you how many times bigger (or more) the second set is than the first.

How many times larger is 450000000 than 4500?

Step-by-step explanation: In order to find this, you would divide /b> by 4500. You would then get the final answer of 100,000. Hope this helps!

How many times bigger than 10 is 100?

The answer is 10 times greater.

How many times as great as the value of 3 in 4310 is the value of 3 in 3297?

The 3 is 10 times the value in 3297 as in 4310.

Is the product of 12 and 3/4 more or less than 12?

Answer Expert Verified So we can see that the product of 12*3/4 is less than 12.

Is one fifth greater than half?

Which piece is bigger? Half of a pie is bigger than one fifth of a pie. So 1/2 is greater than 1/5. Compare 5/8 and 5/10.

Which fraction is bigger 3 4 or 2 3?

The LCD for the fractions 3⁄4 and 2⁄3 is 12 because both denominators 4 and 3 divide evenly into 12. Once each fraction is renamed with a common denominator, you can compare the numerators – the larger the numerator the larger the fraction. Since 3⁄4 is greater than 2⁄3, you will select the > symbol.

Which is bigger fractions?

To compare fractions with unlike denominators convert them to equivalent fractions with the same denominator. Compare fractions: If denominators are the same you can compare the numerators. The fraction with the bigger numerator is the larger fraction.

What is the largest fraction 3/4 or 7 8?

In the fractions 3/4 and 7/8, the cross products are 8 × 3 = 24 and 7 × 4 = 28. Since 23 < 28, thus 7/8 is the greatest fraction of the two.