What do annals mean?

What do annals mean?

1 : a record of events arranged in yearly sequence the annals of the twentieth century. 2 : historical records : chronicles the annals of Tacitus in the annals of sports.

What are the annals of history?

Annals are chronological historical records. You may encounter the word annals in the phrase “annals of history,” which refers not to one specific historical record but the collection of all recorded history.

How do you use the word tail in a sentence?

Tail sentence example

  1. Tail long, clothed with long hairs.
  2. Fighting down a wave of nausea, she kneeled at the tail of the goat.
  3. I caught one today, but he got away when his tail broke off.
  4. He would’ve turned tail and run.
  5. In Pierre, however, that comet with its long luminous tail aroused no feeling of fear.

What is a sentence for affect?

Using affect in a sentence: An early frost in Florida can affect the orange crop negatively. One employee’s negativity can affect all the workers. Colorado was affected by severe flooding last summer.

How do you use the word pain in a sentence?

Pain sentence example

  1. The pain threatened to cripple him again.
  2. In fact, she felt no pain at all, anywhere.
  3. His expression was a fifty-fifty mixture of pain and anger.
  4. The pain in his arm became more and more intense.

What does the idiom pain?

informal. B2. someone or something that is very annoying: That child is a real pain in the neck.

What does the idiom pain in the neck mean?

A source of annoyance, a nuisance, as in Joan is a real pain in the neck, with her constant complaining, or Jack told his brother to stop being a pain in the ass. The first of these colloquial expressions dates from about 1900 and originated as a euphemism for the two less polite variants.

What is the meaning of the idiom bent her knees?

Save This Word! Humbly, pleading, as in They’re desperate for funds; they’re asking for contributions on bended knee. This expression alludes to a traditional attitude of supplication. Bended, the past tense of bend, survives only in this idiom, elsewhere having been replaced by bent. [

What is the idiom of my friend is a pain in the neck?

Pain in the neck: someone or something that’s is difficult or annoying. This idiom has the same meaning as “pain in the butt” or “pain in the ass.” No one wants to have a pain in any of these areas—that feels irritating, annoying and difficult.

What does the idiom It was a snap mean?

It is very easy or effortless to do.

What does the idiom Cut to the Chase mean?

“Cut to the chase” is a phrase that means to get to the point without wasting time. The saying originated from early film studios’ silent films. It was a favorite of, and thought to have been coined by, Hal Roach Sr.

Is right up your alley meaning?

If something is right up your alley, it would mean that the situation should be perfect for you or ideal for your skills and interests.

Where does right up your alley come from?

In one’s specialty, to one’s taste, as in Writing press releases is right up her alley, or He loved opera, so this program of arias was right down his alley. These idioms use alley in the sense of “one’s own province,” a usage dating from the early 1600s. [First half of 1900s] Also see cup of tea.

What is the meaning of right up?

—used by someone (such as a waiter) to say that something will be served or delivered very quickly.

What is the meaning of now you’re talking?

informal. —used to say that someone has said or suggested something that one thinks is good, worth doing, etc. “You don’t want hamburgers. Well, how about steak?” “Yeah, now you’re talking.”

What is the definition of talking?

1 : to deliver or express in speech : utter. 2 : to make the subject of conversation or discourse : discuss talk business. 3 : to influence, affect, or cause by talking talked them into going. 4 : to use (a language) for conversing or communicating : speak.

Is bound to meaning?

bound to, be. Be certain or destined to; also, be determined or resolved to. For example, We are bound to hear from them soon, or No matter what they say, she is bound to run for mayor.

What is the meaning of now?

1a : at the present time or moment Now is the time for action. b : in the time immediately before the present thought of them just now. c : in the time immediately to follow : forthwith come in now.

What is the meaning of at the moment?

: right now : at the current time At the moment she is working on a novel.

What does take a bow mean?

: to bow towards an audience that is applauding When the play has finished, the actors will line up to take a bow. —often used figuratively to say that someone deserves to be praised The people who organized the festival should take a bow for its remarkable success.

What is the purpose of a bow?

A bow is a weapon used to shoot arrows. It is used in hunting, sport, and a long time ago, war. Using a bow is called archery. A person who uses a bow is an archer and a person who makes bows is a bowyer.