What do silvery blue butterflies eat?

What do silvery blue butterflies eat?

Quick Facts
Distribution In North America, starting from Alaska down south to Baja California, in the west, and across the continent to the east till Nova Scotia
Host plants Lotus, Lupinus, Astragalus, Melilotus, Vicia, Oxytropis, Lathyrus, and other species in the pea family
Adult diet Flower nectar, especially Fiddleneck

Why is the silvery blue butterfly endangered?

Why Is the Karner Blue Butterfly Endangered? Habitat Loss or Degradation – Habitat throughout the range of the Karner blue butterfly has been lost as a result of land development and lack of natural disturbance, such as wildfire and grazing by large mammals.

Where can I find silver studded blue?

The silver-studded blue is a heathland specialty and the New Forest is one of its strongholds. It is found throughout the New Forest but you will only see it in a few other places in the UK, such as Dorset, the Surrey heaths, Cornwall and west Wales.

Are there silver butterflies?

The silver-studded blue (Plebejus argus) is a butterfly in the family Lycaenidae. This eye-catching butterfly has bright blue wings rimmed in black with white edges and silver spots on its hindwings, lending it the name of the silver-studded blue.

Do silver butterflies exist?

This small butterfly is found mainly in heathland where the silvery-blue wings of the males provide a marvellous sight as they fly low over the heather. The Silver-studded Blue has a restricted distribution but occurs in large numbers in suitable heathland and coastal habitats.

Is there a poisonous butterfly?

No butterflies are so poisonous that they kill people or large animals, but there is an African moth whose caterpillar’s fluids are very poisonous. The N’gwa or ‘Kaa caterpillar’s entrails have been used by Bushmen to poison the tips of arrows.

What happens if you eat a butterfly?

Are they edible? Some species of butterflies are edible to humans, but you should avoid eating them as many are poisonous because of what they eat. There are no known butterflies toxic enough to kill a human, but they can make you sick. That being the case, several countries consider butterflies to be a delicacy.

Do butterflies eat your skin?

Ever have a butterfly land on your skin and start licking you and thought “Awe, I’ve got a new best bro!” Well, you were wrong. The truth is, it was probably just using you for your sweat. Sorry to break your heart. Some butterflies even take a liking to blood and tears.

Do butterflies drink blood from dead bodies?

Male Swallowtail (Papilio spp.) butterflies puddling along a riverbank. They not only like to sip from wet sand and mud, but male butterflies can also be found feeding on animal feces and even the rotting corpses of dead animals. That’s right!

Do butterflies eat their dead?

Dead bodies! Rotting animal flesh is a huge butterfly favorite [PDF]—so much so that researchers have begun baiting tropical butterfly traps with shrimp heads, chunks of dead snake, and prawn paste. Texture is key; since butterflies have no teeth, they can essentially only “lick” the rotting meat.

Do butterflies communicate with humans?

Butterflies do not communicate like honeybees but they use some of the same kinds of communication. Butterflies can communicate with each other (same or different species) by color, chemicals, sound, and physical actions. Color patterns are used to signal their sex or species to each other.