What do we learn about the ladies in the missionary circle from their discussion?

What do we learn about the ladies in the missionary circle from their discussion?

Based on their discussion, the ladies in the missionary circle prove they are ignorant hypocrites. This circle, however, seems to be only good for gossip. They believe that Africa is full of “sin and squalor” and their words indicate they are extremely prejudiced.

What does the Ladies Missionary Circle symbolize in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Though the purpose of the missionary circle is to fellowship with other Christian neighbors and discuss J. Grimes Everett’s missionary work in Africa, the ladies gossip and ridicule citizens who support the equality of black people.

What is hypocritical about the Ladies Missionary Circle?

What is hypocritical about the concern the ladies of the missionary circle have for the Mrunas? She is making a veiled criticism of Atticus and his defense of Tom Robinson. When Mrs.

What is the missionary circle in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Likewise, what is a missionary circle? A missionary circle is a group of women from church who discuss and study words of god, Whereas in the story Alexandra’s circle only gossips and says racist remarks.

Who are the Mrunas Why do they interest the circle?

The Mrunas are a tribe of people that the missionary circle is trying to civilize and Christianize, under the leadership of a Methodist minister named J. Grimes Everett. Although it is not directly stated where the Mrunas live, several clues indicate that they are an African tribe. For example, Mrs.

What does Miss Maudie say that silences Merriweather?

She refers to Atticus as a “good but misguided” individual, who is doing more harm than good throughout the community. Miss Maudie silences Mrs. Merriweather by saying, “His food doesn’t stick going down, does it?” (Lee, 237).

Who said as you grow older you’ll see white?

Harper Lee

Why does Atticus say this case should never have come to trial?

Atticus is referencing the obvious racial aspects of the case. There is no significant evidence to convict Tom, and the case comes down to a white person’s word against a black man’s word.

Why does Dill want to be a clown?

Dill’s career choice as a clown stems from the unhappiness he has experienced and witnessed. Dill decides he wants to be a clown because clowns are always happy–always laughing at the audience and making other people smile and feel good.