What do you put under education on a resume for high school?

What do you put under education on a resume for high school?

Information to include in your resume education sectionThe name of your school.Location of your school.The degree you obtained (if applicable)Your field of study.Graduation year (if applicable)Your GPA (Note: You may not want to include this if it’s not above 3.4)

Do jobs Check your high school grades?

Employers tend to be more concerned about collegiate academic performance than with high school grades, but some entry-level jobs in retail, foodservice and sales often rely on high school students. Professional career fields that require a college degree are most likely to request college grade information.

Do employers care about high school?

“The distinction between a high school diploma and a GED in the eyes of an employer is very negligible. Most employers do not in fact care whether a candidate has a high school diploma or a GED unless there is a relevant reason to,” says Nate Masterson, director of HR for Maple Holistics.

Can I get into Harvard with a 3.5 GPA?

Yes. Harvard often accepts people with a 3.6 GPA. BUT, the applicant definitely must have other “redeeming” (for want of a better word) features and accomplishments and indicia of unusual or extreme potential. Each year, Harvard declines to admit a huge number of people with 4.0 GPAs.