What does Aprehensive mean?

What does Aprehensive mean?

: afraid that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen : feeling or showing fear or apprehension about the future.

Does apprehension mean anxiety?

1. Apprehension, anxiety, misgiving imply an unsettled and uneasy state of mind. Apprehension is an active state of fear, usually of some danger or misfortune: apprehension before opening a telegram. Anxiety is a somewhat prolonged state of apprehensive worry: anxiety because of a reduced income.

What is the suffix of the word apprehension?

apprehension – Suffix apprehensiveness; dread. the student looked around the examination room with apprehension.

How do you use the word apprehension?

Apprehension sentence example. Her apprehension was assuming a reduced priority. The silver eyes were fiery, and apprehension fluttered through her. He felt a wave of apprehension and accelerated heart beat as the door opened.

What is another word for apprehensive?

In this page you can discover 37 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for apprehensive, like: anxious, fearful, worried, uneasy, apt, conscious, ascared, suspicious, afraid, calm and stiff.

What are 3 synonyms for apprehensive?

other words for apprehensive

  • afraid.
  • concerned.
  • doubtful.
  • jumpy.
  • suspicious.
  • uncertain.
  • uneasy.
  • uptight.

Does apprehensive have multiple meanings?

adjective. uneasy or fearful about something that might happen: apprehensive for the safety of the mountain climbers. quick to learn or understand.

What is the opposite of apprehensive?

Antonyms: easy, unafraid(p), unperceptive, fearless, unperceiving. Synonyms: upset, distressed, worried, disquieted, disturbed, discerning. apprehensiveadjective.

What’s the opposite of fear?

The opposite of fear is curiosity, or trust, or courage, or calmness… This is fun.

Is fear the opposite of desire?

Desire is. Desire is the opposite of fear. Desire attract us towards something.

Is hope the opposite of fear?

“The opposite of fear is hope, defined as the expectation of good fortune not only for ourselves but for a group to which we belong. Fear feeds anxiety and produces anger; hope, particularly in a political sense, breeds optimism and feelings of well-being. Fear pushes away; hope pulls others closer.

Is love the opposite of fear?

The rejection of a set of features that we do not accept in ourselves causes many problems. When we do not accept ourselves out of fear, we do not love ourselves. Fear is the opposite of love.

How can I love without fear?

7 Ways for You to Love without Fear

  1. “Love isn’t a state of perfect caring.
  2. Like fireworks, love is also beautiful, dazzling, and unforgettable.
  3. Just be yourself.
  4. Keep yourself open.
  5. Talk it out.
  6. Welcome the imperfections.
  7. Don’t be afraid of anger, but don’t act on it right away, either.
  8. Take responsibility.

Can love and fear exist together?

Love and fear cannot coexist. As opposites, love and fear cannot be felt at the same time. As Kübler-Ross and Kessler say, “If we’re in fear, we are not in a place of love. When we’re in a place of love, we cannot be in a place of fear.

What is the true opposite of love?

We often say today that “The opposite of love is hate.” The Truth is “the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.”

What is the strongest word of love?


What is the opposite of love without love?

The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference.

What is another word for true love?

What is another word for true love?

sweetheart beloved
love lover
darling flame
steady beau
admirer girlfriend

How do you spell true love?

noun. a sweetheart; a truly loving or loved person.

What is another word for unconditional love?


What is the symbol of unconditional love?

The heart symbol depicts a vessel that pours love and compassion. Christians interpreted this as the unconditional love of God the Father. The ancient Egyptians also used a triangle to symbolize a person’s capacity for love.

What is another word for unconditional?

What is another word for unconditional?

categorical absolute
complete outright
total unqualified
definite thorough
utter consummate

What does it mean to love someone conditionally?

Conditional love can be defined as just that–love with conditions. This means that your love for another person, or another person’s love for you, is contingent on certain actions, or things going on. Common phrases used in conditional love: “I will date you if you take me to prom”

How do you tell if someone loves you unconditionally?

12 Signs Of Unconditional Love In A Relationship

  1. They bring soup for you.
  2. They support you in your dreams.
  3. They handle your vulnerable side.
  4. They put your needs above theirs.
  5. They are proud of your success.
  6. They respect you.
  7. They will let their guard down in front of you.
  8. They see your full potential.

Why is God’s love unconditional?

First, if there were any conditions to God’s love, we couldn’t fulfill those conditions because we’re sinful (Romans 3:23). So God’s love is both conditional and unconditional, but He even fulfilled the conditions through the obedient life and sacrificial death of God the Son.

What is unconditional love example?

Examples Of Unconditional Love “I love that about you.” “No matter what, your Dad and I will always be proud of you.” “It’s okay to feel sad.” “I don’t feel the same way but I understand why _______ is important you.”

Is unconditional love rare?

While rare, this type of unconditional love does exist in some people.