What does asocial mean in German?

What does asocial mean in German?

The Nazis used the terms ‘asocial’ and ‘workshy’ to categorise together a group of people who did not conform to their social norms. This group included beggars, alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes, and pacifists (people who believe war is unjustified).

What do black triangles mean?

Edit. The black triangle was a badge used in Nazi concentration camps to mark prisoners as “asocial” or “arbeitsscheu” (work-shy). It was later adopted as a lesbian or feminist symbol of pride and solidarity, on the assumption that the Nazis included lesbians in the “asocial” category.

What caused the black triangle?

Abstract. The “Black Triangle” area (covering northern Bohemia, southern Saxony and part of lower Silesia) has been one of the most polluted areas in Central Europe. The area was named mainly because of high emissions of sulfur and dust.

Do black triangles go away?

So, while little black triangles in your smile might be annoying, they don’t have to be permanent! If you’re ready to make them go away once and for all, give The Dental Suite a call today!

Can flossing cause black triangles?

Flossing itself doesn’t lead to black triangles, but the way you clean your teeth could. If you brush too hard or floss aggressively, you can cause your gums to recede. When that happens, the black space appears in between the teeth.

What is black triangle acid rain?

In addition to causing or exacerbating respiratory diseases, the air pollution in the Black Triangle, especially sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, resulted in acid rain – meaning any wet deposition (rain, sleet, snow or fog drip) that has become more acidic than normal rain (i.e. pH <5.5).

What is the black triangle in Europe?

The Black Triangle (German Schwarzes Dreieck) is a border region shared by Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic, long characterized by extremely high levels of pollution. The term was coined in the 1980s.

What is meant by acid rain?

Acid rain, or acid deposition, is a broad term that includes any form of precipitation with acidic components, such as sulfuric or nitric acid that fall to the ground from the atmosphere in wet or dry forms. This can include rain, snow, fog, hail or even dust that is acidic.

Is it possible for polluted water to be transported to another country?

Transboundary pollution is the pollution that originates in one country but is able to cause damage in another country’s environment, by crossing borders through pathways like water or air. Pollution can be transported across hundreds and even thousands of kilometers. This is why it is called ‘Transboundary Pollution’.

What are the 5 types of pollution?

Major forms of pollution include air pollution, light pollution, litter, noise pollution, plastic pollution, soil contamination, radioactive contamination, thermal pollution, visual pollution, and water pollution.

What are main causes of air pollution?

Air pollution is caused by solid and liquid particles and certain gases that are suspended in the air. These particles and gases can come from car and truck exhaust, factories, dust, pollen, mold spores, volcanoes and wildfires. The solid and liquid particles suspended in our air are called aerosols.

Which plant can help remove pollutants in rivers and lakes?

A tiny aquatic plant called duckweed might be a viable option for remove phosphorus, nitrates, nitrites and even heavy metals from lakes, ponds and slow-moving waterbodies.

What keeps lake water clean?

Sweep or rake grass and leaves away from street curbs. Mulch and compost grass clippings and leaves. Keep paved surfaces to a minimum. Capture water runoff with a rain garden and rain barrels.

How do you clean lake water?

ProSkim is among those solutions, acting much like a pond vacuum to remove floating weeds, pollen, and twigs, and at the same time aerates a pond’s water. This system removes weeds and thereby the nutrients that have built up in ponds or lakes from non-point runoff of fertilizer and storm water.

What plants clean water?

Plants That Filter Water Cattail, typically growing between 5 and 10 feet tall, can remove metals such as zinc, cadmium, lead and nitrate from water. Water mint, or Mentha aquatica, grows up to 6 inches high with light purple flowers and should be first planted in a container before being moved to the water.

Do pond plants keep the water clean?

They grow underwater and assimilate nutrients from the water through their leaves and they release oxygen. This why they form an important basis for the natural equilibrium in a pond, whereas they are extremely useful for keeping the water clear and healthy.

What makes my pond water green?

Green pond water is caused by tiny floating algae, which grow explosively. Additional effects are low CH value, high pH value and stagnation in growth of oxygen producing plants. Green pond water frequently occurs in newly built ponds containing water rich in food.

Can too many pond plants kill fish?

While the plants are a necessary and beneficial component of a natural ecosystem, too many can cause issues for pond owners – aesthetically, recreationally and biologically. Extremely hot temperatures, high plant loads and overcast skies for extended periods can cause a fish kill by depleting all the oxygen in a pond.

What kills all the fish in a pond?

dissolved oxygen

Why do the fish in my pond keep dying?

Fish may die of old age, starvation, body injury, stress, suffocation, water pollution, diseases, parasites, predation, toxic algae, severe weather, and other reasons. Sudden, large fish kills in ponds are often the result of fish suffocation caused by nighttime oxygen depletion in the summer.

Can heavy rain kill fish?

Many fish kills occur after several days of cloudy weather, early in the morning, or after heavy rain events. This quick ‘turnover’ of the water can quickly decrease the amount of oxygen available to fish, essentially causing them to suffocate.

Can rain water kill koi fish?

Koi are an especially hardy breed of fish, making them well suited to living in just about any climatic condition as long as proper care is taken to meet their most basic needs. But, heavy rains cause runoff which can find its way into your pond, killing your fish.

Does rain aerate a pond?

Wind, heavy rain and waterfalls are natural sources of aeration in a lake or pond. When these are not present (or inconsistent), mechanical circulators and aerating fountains are used to keep dissolved oxygen at optimal levels.

Can I fill my pond with rain water?

Wait for the rains: Let your pond fill with rainwater. It may take some time, but the result will be a clean water pond that could become home to a wide range of fascinating plants and animals. When water levels drop in an existing pond, you don’t need to reach for the hosepipe.

Is it OK to use tap water in a wildlife pond?

Water worries: Ponds can be filled with tap-water that has been treated first. Tap- water contains chlorine or chloramines, both of which are harmful to amphibians. Chlorine will naturally dissipate over time but chloramines need to be removed (inexpensive products are available).

Can I put pond plants in tap water?

Tap water has much higher levels of nitrates than the level found in natural ponds. Nitrates cause excessive nutrients in the water, encouraging plants such as duck weed and blanket weed, which in turn make life a struggle for the submerged plants that are essential for healthy and diverse pond-life.

Can mint grow in a pond?

A popular British native plant, water mint has highly fragrant foliage and lavender pink flowers. Mint is a rafting plant, spreading out from the pond margin in a floating mat. It creates cover for fish and good habitat for pond creatures. Plant in full or part sun.