What does being confined mean?

What does being confined mean?

: to keep (someone or something) within limits : to prevent (someone or something) from going beyond a particular limit, area, etc. : to keep (a person or animal) in a place (such as a prison) : to force or cause (someone) to stay in something (such as a bed or wheelchair)

How do you use the word confine?

to enclose within bounds; limit or restrict: She confined her remarks to errors in the report. Confine your efforts to finishing the book. to shut or keep in; prevent from leaving a place because of imprisonment, illness, discipline, etc.: For that offense he was confined to quarters for 30 days.

What is the meaning of confine sentence?

To confine is to impose limits or restrictions, or to prevent someone from leaving. When you ground your child and don’t let him leave his room, this is an example of a situation where you confine your child.

What is the meaning of confine in one word?

to keep someone or something within limits: The animals were confined in a large pen. Harris does not confine her stage work to Broadway. If something is confined to a particular group of people, it exists only among them: Cancer is not confined to old people.

What is flattery example?

Flattery is defined as praise or compliments, usually exaggerated or false. An example of flattery is a person who’s hoping for a raise telling their boss how great their new hair cut looks. (uncountable) Excessive praise or approval, which is often insincere and sometimes contrived to win favour.

What does it mean when a girl says you flatter me?

It means “Thank you for the compliment”. “To flatter someone” means to say something nice about them to try and make them like you.

What does flattery mean in English?

1a : the act or practice of flattering She uses the art of flattery to her advantage. b(1) : something that flatters A compliment is flattery …— Harry Shaw. (2) : insincere or excessive praise He tried to win his teacher’s favor with flattery.

What does you flatter me meaning?

When you flatter someone, you praise and compliment him or her — but you aren’t totally sincere. You flatter your friend by telling her she’s the best driver in the world. Because you want her to offer you a ride.

What does it mean when a guy says you flatter me?

When he says he is “flattered” he is acknowledging that your interest in him is a compliment. It is also a way of thanking you for the compliment. When he doesn’t initiate anything further, it simply means he does not reciprocate your interest.

How do you respond to someone who is flattered?

Other ways to say “I’m flattered” to accept a compliment:

  1. “Thanks so much”
  2. “Oh I appreciate that”
  3. “Thank you for saying that”
  4. “That was such a nice thing to say”

What to say when someone calls you beautiful?

It is almost always appropriate to say something along the lines of: “How kind of you to say so!” or “What a lovely compliment” or just plain “Thank you.”…

  1. “Thank you,” is the most neutral one, of course.
  2. “That’s just appearances,” or “that’s not how I feel,” if I want to be dismissive about it or feel worse than I look,

How do you respond when someone says your kind?

Express your gratitude. The person bestowing the compliment will be most receptive to a humble response. Say something like, “Thank you, that’s very kind of you,” or “Thank you, I appreciate the compliment.”

What to say when a guy says you’re cute?

5 ways on how to respond when someone calls you cute: When it’s a crush

  1. 01“You must be looking at a mirror.”
  2. 02“Coming from you, that means a lot.”
  3. 03“I guess hanging out with you rubbed off on me.”
  4. 04“Sorry, you must have me mistaken for someone else.
  5. 05“I guess that makes two of us!
  6. 06“Thank you, I appreciate that.”

When guys say your so pretty?

When he calls you pretty, it means he likes you. He appreciates you and adores you. He is attracted to you and wants you to know. His compliment should be appreciated.

Should you call a girl pretty?

You should start by saying beautiful. In my opinion, if you just met her, you want to make the best impression. As you two get to know each other then revert to gorgeous. Because you want to sound like you respect her and be in good boundaries, but at the same time compliment her.

How do you call a girl pretty?

Ways to Say You Are Beautiful

  1. You look gorgeous!
  2. You look as pretty as always!
  3. You look drop dead gorgeous!
  4. I think you are very attractive!
  5. Wow, you are gorgeous!
  6. I think you are stunning!
  7. I think you are super cute!
  8. You look absolutely fantastic!