What does Bob Ewell accuse Tom Robinson of doing?

What does Bob Ewell accuse Tom Robinson of doing?

Bob Ewell: An alcoholic, poverty-stricken, and abusive man, Bob Ewell deliberately and wrongfully accuses Tom Robinson of raping his daughter, and then tries to attack Scout and Jem after the trial.

Who testifies on Tom Robinson’s behalf?

Hover for more information. The people who testify at Tom Robinson’s trial are Sherriff Tate, Bob Ewell, Mayella Ewell, and Tom Robinson. Heck Tate is the first to testify in chapter 17. He describes how he has called in when Mayella was injured, and how she accused Tom of raping her.

What was Mr Ewell’s reaction to Tom’s death?

Mr. Underwood writes a long editorial condemning Tom’s death as the murder of an innocent man. The only other significant reaction comes when Bob Ewell is overheard saying that Tom’s death makes “one down and about two more to go.” Summer ends and Dill leaves.

What does Bob Ewell say when he learns of Tom Robinson’s death?

Mr. Ewell said that Tom’s death meant “one down and two more to go.” What does he mean? The one down was Tom Robinson as he was killed trying to escape from prison. The two to go probably referred to Atticus Finch and possibly Heck Tate, the sheriff or Link Deas.

Who really hurt mayella?

There is circumstantial evidence to indicate that Mayella Ewell was beaten savagely by someone who led almost exclusively with his left. And Tom Robinson now sits before you, having taken the oath with the only good hand he possesses, his right.

What does Mayella Ewell symbolize?

Mayella Ewell represents the physical manifestation of what ignorance, racism and prejudice can do to a person. She has been abused by her father, a man that shows no regard for his family. Tom Robinson possessed what Mayella yearned for, a family to love her.

Is Mayella Ewell a victim?

As Scout mentions early in the novel, “Atticus said the Ewells had been the disgrace of Maycomb for three generations.” Sadly, Mayella had little to do with this assessment, but she was forced to live with the shame of her family name. She is a victim of both society and her own family.

Why is mayella guilty?

Truly, Mayella is guilty of trying to convict an innocent man. She lied in court to save her own reputation. She protected her father who actually did the beating.

What kind of person is Mayella Ewell?

Mayella is more of a flat character. From the moment she is introduced in the story, she maintains her characteristics of being weak, afraid, and lonely. Since, she went along with the story that Tom Robinson raped her, we see that she was racist toward Tom Robinson, just like her father.